Wolf's Bane part 2

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Allison was jogging in the woods after school. She usually did this a few times but today she was really pushing herself to be into it. The rush of emotions she was feeling today, especially around Scott, she felt that she had to somehow burn those away or else she would break down and fall apart. She kept running until she came upon a wreck of a house. She realized that it was the Hale House, Derek Hale's place. She had heard all the stories, that it had burned down a few years ago with most of the Hale family inside.

Allison didn't know if Derek Hale was the one in the school or not. Scott seemed to think so but Stiles insisted that it wasn't so no one really knew what to think. The fact that no one could find him made theories spread like wildfire so who knew what the truth really was. Certainly not Allison who didn't seem to get much of the truth these days. She found herself curious and decided to go inside. It was eerily quiet as she stepped in to what looked like had been a living room. She saw a spot on the floor and pushed some soot to the side to see what looked like lines dug into the wood. She ran her fingers across it to see that they seemed to be claw marks. Allison caught movement in front of her and then screamed when she saw that it was someone.

It was her aunt Kate who squinted her eyes. "Damn! You got some lungs on you!"

Allison huffed. "Did you follow me here?"

"Well...you can't blame me for being concerned about my favorite niece, now can you?" Allison silently rolled her eyes as she stood back up. "What are you looking for?" Kate softly asked her.

"I don't know. Something...anything.

"You mean answers? To lingering questions? Like-

"Why would Derek Hale, if it even was him, would want to kill us?"

Kate smirked and gestured to the house. "I mean, come on, look at this place. Could you imagine if your father and I were trapped in something like this? Might do some pretty interesting things to your head, don't you think?

"It wouldn't turn me into a psychotic killer."

"You don't have to be psychotic to be a killer," Kate said with all and out seriousness. "You just...need a reason. And, even then, sometimes you could surprise yourself." She then went to approach her niece. "What do you want Allison?"

"I want to not be scared," she cried out. "That night, in the school, I felt utterly weak. Like, I needed someone to come in and rescue me. I hated it! I want to feel stronger than that...I want to feel powerful."

Kate smiled at that. She started to circle Allison a bit with a hungry look in her eyes. "Be just...a little patient. I think I can give you exactly what you want."


Scott couldn't see the necklace being worn on Allison at school or her bag so he guessed that she might've left it in her room. He immediately went over to her house as soon as school was over. It felt strange, to be sneaking into her room when she wasn't there. It didn't seem like anyone was really home. He climbed the side of her house and then carefully opened her window and went in. He started to go through her drawers and cabinets but he wasn't finding any sign of it.

His eyes were then drawn to her desk where he saw a receipt on top of a book. He saw it was from the bowling alley and he saw on the back that she marked it as a token from their first date. He let a smile come to him. Maybe there was really hope after all if she kept this in such good care. He put the receipt back down but noticed a chain sticking out of the book under it. He opened it to find the necklace. He took it but froze when he saw that the book had marks on it around words like 'attacks' and 'mythical creature'. The word Loup garou was also circled. He took out his phone and ran it through a translator. It was French and it meant werewolf.

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