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Stiles was driving for the school with his heart still beating like a jackhammer. When he was forced to stop at the light, he took his hand and wiped the back of his neck. A few drops of blood wet his fingers. He wondered why it was taking so long for those scratches to heal up. That wonder didn't last long as he pulled into the parking lot just in time to hear and feel the boom of voices that started to scream out. He saw that there were people already in the parking lot cheering and shouting. He guessed that the game was over and judging from how those were his classmates screaming it was because they had won.

He tried to navigate through the sea of people moving and jumping around as they celebrated. A few shouts of 'State!' were heard. Stiles felt a slight ping in his heart that he couldn't play in this game until he remembered why he couldn't. He finally made it to the field but couldn't see any sign of the team.

He flagged down one of his classmates. "Hey, where's the team?" he asked.

"They headed into the locker rooms a few minutes ago."

"Okay thanks," he said before moving off to head into the school.

"Stiles!" Stiles stopped in his tracks to see his father walking up to him. "There you are."

"Hey dad," he said turning around with a small smile plastered on him despite the panic he was feeling.

"Where were you? You missed the whole the game."

Stiles sighed. "Yeah...I know. I had some trouble with my jeep. My battery needed a jump start. I think the mechanic must've stiffed us when he fixed it," he added stressfully. "It took a while to flag someone down who would help me since a lot of people were here." He hoped his dad bought it.

He didn't get time to see if he did before he heard, "Bilinski!"

Stiles turned around to look at the pissed off face of the Coach baring down on him. "Hey Coach!"

"Where the hell were you?!"

"I had car trouble coach," he tried to explain.

"Then why didn't you ditch the car and make the long run for it."

Stiles raised his eyebrows. "I was over three miles away."

"Doesn't matter. At your age, three miles of running would've been a warmup jog for me."

"Hey, take it easy," his dad said stepping in. "It wasn't his fault. He couldn't help what happened."

The coach seemed to be chewing on the insides of his cheek in frustration. "You're lucky that we're in the semi-finals Bilinski. If you want to stay in first line then you make sure you get here early. And I mean when they're still setting up early."

"Got it coach," Stiles nodded.

"Alright. Don't think you're getting off easy though Bilinski. Expect some suicide laps the next time I see you."

"Looking forward to it," he said with a sarcastic smile as the coach went off to the parking lot. Stiles turned back to see that his father seemed both thrown back and amused. "I better go find Scott."

"Yeah," his dad sighed. "I better head back to the station." Stiles nodded and started to walk off. "Oh, and Stiles," he said before he could go anywhere.

"Yeah dad?" Stiles said stopping.

"Why is your coach calling you Bilinski?"

"You don't want to know," he said simply before he took off and ran for the locker rooms.

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