Night School

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Scott and Stiles hearts were racing as they ran into the school and shut the doors behind him. They had just watched the Alpha tear right into Derek and tossed him aside like he was nothing but foam dummy in the way. What were the two of them supposed to do now against that?

"Lock it!" Scott cried out. "Lock it!"

"Do I look like I have a key?!" Stiles snapped back.

"Then grab something."


"Anything!" Scott desperately cried.

What could he grab? They don't have anything and didn't bring anything. Well, aside from the bolt cutters he had used to cut the lock. At that Stiles rose up to the window and saw them lying right outside where he left them after breaking the lock a few minutes ago. They weren't too far.

Scott got up to see what he was looking at and saw them too. "No, Stiles no!" he pleaded.

"Yes," he said as he pushed him back and opened the door. Stiles did it softly and once he was out he scanned the area. The Alpha wasn't close by. It was dead quiet...maybe not the best choice of words right now. He carefully walked over and got to the cutters.

Scott thought that he would be alright after all until he saw the Alpha step away from behind Stiles' jeep. "Stiles!" he cried out in warning as he banged at the door and pointed ahead.

Stiles looked from him to up ahead and saw the Alpha leering at him just before he began to run for him. Stiles quickly ran to head back into the door. Scott opened it and Stiles jumped in and quickly slammed the bolt cutters in between the door handles to have them jammed together. The two of them then looked out to see that there was no sign of the Alpha again.

"What? Where is it?" Scott asked as Stiles searched too for ii. "Where'd it go?"

"I don't know," Stiles muttered as the two of them backed away from the door.

Scott looked at the cutters holding the doors together. "That won't hold it for long, will it?"

Stiles caught his friend's eye. "Probably not."

The two of them turned around to stare at the dark and empty school that they had trapped themselves in. The next moment a howl sounded and that drove the two of them to hide in a nearby classroom. Scott went to push the table to try and seal the door but Stiles stepped in front of him.

"Stop," he said. "The door is not going to keep it out."

"I know," Scott said defeated.

"It's your boss."


"Deaton," Stiles bit out. "The Alpha. Your boss."

"No," Scott tried to deny.

But Stiles wasn't having it. "Yes. Your boss is a murdering psycho werewolf."

"That can't be."

"Oh come on. He disappears and that thing just shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? You don't find the timing convenient?"

"It's not him," Scott said panicking even more. He didn't want to believe that it was him. "And Derek can't be dead."

"He had a claw thrust into his back and blood spewed from his mouth. That doesn't qualify as a minor injury," Stiles argued to try and get Scott to realize just how screwed they were right now. "He's dead and we're next."

"Okay!" Scott snapped. "But...what do we do?"

Stiles panted as he tried to think. "Uh, my jeep. If we get to my jeep then we get out of here and you start to seriously think about quitting your job. Good?"

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