Lunatic part 2

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"Hey coach,' Stiles said moving for him when he announced that they should line up for shooting practice. "I'm not in the mood for shooting practice. Why not have a good old fashion practice game?" he suggested. "Co-captain against co-captain?"

Coach gave Stiles a look. "What was that Stilinski?"

"You know. A way for us new players and our new co-captain to earn our stripes out there. All of us. Together," he said a little pumped.

Coach then advanced on him. "You know what Stilinski," he said moving for him and pointing at his chest. His hard look then melted into a smile. "I love your thinking. I hope to see more of that hard hitting attitude. That's what first line needs."

Coach blew his whistle and then began to split everyone from Jackson's 'unit' and Scott's 'unit' up into teams to begin the scrimmage. Stiles was looking forward to this. If Lydia was starting to get into him, then a good way to solidify it was to finally show that no good dick Jackson on the field. He seriously owed that guy for the rants he made against his father and showing him up in front of the whole team and Lydia in the stands was the perfect way to get him back for that.

Soon enough the team was divided into two on the field and the scrimmage began. Stiles eventually got the ball and took off down the field. Jackson was up ahead of him and charged for him. Stiles lightly growled under his helmet as he quickly sidestepped out of the way before Jackson could charge him. Jackson barely even grazed his uniform as he passed him and Stiles then quickly twisted his foot and pushed to slam Jackson down. Jackson was knocked off his feet and fell to the ground face first. He then turned in time to see Stiles pass the ball over to Scott who then scored. Stiles looked back over at Jackson on the ground and he gave him a small smirk before he took off. Jackson quickly got up and glared at Stiles through his helmet.

Scott felt quite proud of himself with making the shot before he was pushed from behind. Scott looked around to see it was one of Jackson's friends. The coach noticed it.

"Looks like not everyone's accepting of your new position McCall," he called out to him.

But Scott flipped up and went to the center. "I got this," he told his center player.

"Yeah," Coach clapped. "Earn it McCall!" He then blew the whistle for them to begin again.

Scott got the ball out from under the other guy and ran around him. He saw Jackson's friend who pushed him there to block him but Scott just charged on and made him fly backwards. Another opposing player tried to stop him but Scott threw him aside. He ran for the goal and Danny stepped forward to try and intercept him but Scott whacked Danny across the face before he went and made the shot getting it in.

But Danny wasn't getting back up. Everyone was running to him and Coach lifted his helmet off to reveal blood on his face. Scott ripped off his helmet and huffed out angrily.

Stiles went over to him and ripped his own helmet off. "Dude, what the hell are you doing?" he asked Scott.

He just looked back at him aggravated. "What? He's like twice my size," he defended.

"Yeah, but did you have to clobber him in the face? Everyone likes Danny. Now they're going to hate you."

"So what? I don't care." Scott spat out before taking off for the locker room in protest.

Jackson looked from Danny on the ground to Scott. He was wondering how he took down and hurt Danny so easily. In fact, how did Stiles bump him down when Jackson charged at him as fast as he could? His arm still felt a tingle from the hard push Stilinski gave him.

Lydia rushed on over to get a better look. "Is he okay?" she asked Jackson.

"Looks like he's just got a bloody nose," he then stopped when he looked at Lydia.

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