Heart Monitor part 2

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Stiles and Scott went back to the locker room to put their gear away so that they could get ready for their next class. Scott seemed okay now but Stiles only seemed more worried. Scott looked like his life was over but Stiles thought his friend was blowing this way out of proportion.

"Hey, it's not as bad as it looks. Okay, so you stay away from Allison for a few days. You can do that. It's not the end of the world Scott."

"A few days...or is it forever?" Scott asked him.

"You know, this whole women makes you weak thing is a little too Spartan warrior for me. It's probably just part of the learning process. You'll get the hang of it soon enough."

"Really? I mean, you've seen Derek right? The guy's totally alone."

Stiles shrugged. "Yeah but I think that has more to do with the fire that claimed his family and his sister being ripped in half then the whole full moon thing." Having Derek talk about his family to him, even if it was only just a bit helped Stiles understand the guy a bit better. He remembered how he felt when he lost his mother. Derek lost his whole family six years ago and then lost his only sister only a few weeks ago. His only living family was comatose with burns all over his face. He could understand it if the beta wasn't a social butterfly.

But Scott just shook his head. "What if I could never be around her again?" he despaired.

"Well, if you're not dead then I think that might be a good thing."

"I rather be dead," Scott muttered.

Stiles didn't know whether to hug Scott or strangle him. He gets that Scott's bummed about Allison but he's only known the girl for a month and he's ready to throw himself off the roof of the school if he can't see her for a while? His friend had to get a grip. "Look, you're not going to end up like Derek," he said a bit shortly. "We'll figure it out. I mean, come on, look at me. I'm doing okay and do you see me ready to live a life of solitude? No, and believe me I have no plans to be a monk."

Scott just let out a deep breath and then nodded. "Okay," he said softly.

"Okay. Let's get the hell out of here."

"Something smells terrible in here anyway," Scott said grabbing his bag.

Stiles gave the room a sniff. "Yeah. I know this is a boys locker room but come on."

Scott nodded. "Smells like something's rotting or dying," he said before they made it to the door unaware that a certain captain was eyeing them.

Jackson watched the two of them leave and though he couldn't catch what they were saying he found himself caring very little for that now as he stumbled along. Jackson took a look at himself in the mirror over one of the sinks and saw that he looked like he was a walking zombie. His head was still aching and he felt like his insides were burning. His neck was aching and he ripped the bandage from where he still had the scratch from Derek Hale and saw that it was freshly bleeding. He took off his shirt to try and cool himself but then found his throat was seizing up, like there was something in his throat. He then watched horrified as a pair of hairy claws seemed to be digging their way out through his mouth. But then the next moment the feeling disappeared and Jackson saw that he was okay.

He was still freaked about his little episode that he just stumbled through the halls until he found Allison on the floor reading. She seemed to be completely absorbed in it too. "What are you reading?" he asked.

Allison seemed to have been shocked out of her daze as she nearly jumped when she looked at him. "Oh, hey. Just stuff for a history project."

"Oh." Jackson then found himself going to take a seat next to her. She was McCall's girlfriend and if he was going to find out what was going on with him and his friend then this was the only way.

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