Code Breaker

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Scott was on the hood of Argent's car trying to get his mind to catch up with what had just happened. It was over. The worst possible thing had just happened. What he feared the most. He had lost control and shifted in front of Allison and she looked completely horrified. He looked over and saw that even her father looked a little surprised himself despite the fact that he had just tried to run him down.

Scott had to get out of there and so he jumped up the roof of the bus across from them and made his way to escape.

Allison watched Scott leap and run away in tears. She couldn't believe it. It was Scott. Scott was the one that her Aunt had told her about. She then found herself just crying uncontrollably. Her father got out of the car and went over to her.

"Allison," he cried out. "Are you okay?"

Allison just went over and embraced her father as she cried into him. Her dad just held her to him tightly.

As for Scott, he headed off into the woods. He just ran. Ran straight on ahead until he finally lost his footing and collapsed. He was in tears. He then let out a cry of anguish at everything that had just come apart.


Back at the lacrosse field, Peter was wiping his chin from the blood that got stuck on when he bit into Lydia. When he sat up, Stiles quickly grabbed for Lydia's hand. He may have only done it once, and it wasn't quite healing, but it was better than nothing. He focused on how much he wanted Lydia not to be in pain or hurt in any way and soon enough he felt a small sting as his hand's veins went black.

But Peter grabbed his wrist and pulled him away. "Uh, uh, I'm afraid not Stiles."

"What?" he said trying to fight Peter's tight grip. "Why?"

"That takes energy and I can't afford you to give any of it up right now. I'm going to be needing you at full strength tonight." He then threw Stiles hand away. "Alright, we better get going."

"No," Stiles said defiantly. "I'm not just going to leave her here."

Peter spared a second to give him a look. "You don't have a choice Stiles. You're coming with me."

"No! Look, just kill me now, I don't care anymore!"

Peter went over and lifted Stiles by the bottom of his chin as he pulled him up so that they were face to face. Stiles still had a face of defiance. Peter could see that he was truly ready to die if he had to.

"Don't be an idiot Stiles. It doesn't suit you," Peter said softly to him. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get."

Stiles could see that Peter wasn't going to give him any other options. As much as he wanted to shove it all back at the guy, Lydia's life was more important. He then took out his phone and quickly called Jackson.

When Jackson heard the message, he ran to the lacrosse field and found Lydia laying there in a bloody mess. He quickly grabbed her and carried her off for the school, yelling around to anyone nearby to help him. To call 911.

Stiles was in his jeep, with Peter riding shotgun, as they were driving off to god only knows where Peter was leading them. Peter spared the young beta a look and didn't need super senses to know that the kid was pissed in every possible way.

"Don't feel bad," he started. "If she lives then she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful."

Stiles' eyes narrowed a bit. If she lives. What did Peter mean by that? Did that mean that those bitten by an Alpha didn't always make it and become werewolves? Was there a chance that Lydia was going to die?

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