Chapter 1: Introducing me.

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  • Dedicated to Logan Philip Henderson <3

"I see you looking at the magazines 

Watching guys on the MTV 

But they don't even look half as good to me, hey yeah 

A t-shirt and a pair of sweats 

You still look like a perfect ten 

Baby, you can wear anything

No matter what you do 

You look beautiful

How else can I say it 

Feel like a broken record 

You think I'm crazy and it's true 

I'm crazy for you

Yeah, that's right I said it 

boy you're my perfect ten, yeah 

You think I'm crazy and it's true 

I'm crazy for you

Oh, oh, whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy 

Whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy 

Whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy for you

Got a temperature of a 103 

Even sick as a dog you look cute to me 

Even at your worst you're still the best, yeah

Hey pretty boy now you're so fine 

If I was a pilot I'd write your name in the sky 

But the pretty face don't compare to what's inside, no

No matter what you do 

You are beautiful, yeah

How else can I say it 

Feel like a broken record 

You think I'm crazy and it's true 

I'm crazy for you

Yeah, that's right I said it 

boy you're my perfect ten, yeah 

You think I'm crazy and it's true 

I'm crazy for you

Oh, oh, whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy 

Whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy 

Whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy for you

Hey hey hey hey hey everybody 

boy's so good good good gotta tell somebody

You can even call me insane 

But it won't change a thing, yeah

How else can I say it 

Feel like a broken record (broken record) 

You think I'm crazy and it's true 

I'm crazy for you

Yeah, that's right I said it 

boy you're my perfect ten, yeah (perfect boys) 

You think I'm crazy and it's true 

I'm crazy for you

Oh, oh, whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy 

Whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy 

Whoa oh oh oh oh 

I'm crazy for you"

I sang to thousands of screaming fans. And I wasn't dreaming. This was true and happening. Oh this is kind of rude, let me introduce myself, my name is Joni, Joni Diamond. Only the newest pop/rock teen sensation. I dropped out of college to start on my music career. Best.decision.ever. "So I guess you all know who sings this song originally?" I asked the crowed. They shouted at the top of their longs. "What if I tell you that I know those guys, personally?" They screamed even louder if that was even possibly. Thanks to my record label I know BTR personally. "Would guys like it if I would maybe... sing a song with them?"

The crowd shouted. "Yeah." Which made me smile.

"Okay than, let's give it up for BIG.TIME.RUSH!" I shouted and the crowd went insane.

"Hey, what's up everybody?" Kendall asked as they came on stage. The crowd cheered. The boys all came towards me and gave me a hug.

"So guys." I said turning myself towards them. "I kind of promised the audience I'd sing a song with you, are you guys in?" I asked pretending like they didn't know what was going to happen.

"Sure." They all said at the same time as the track to 'Like nobody's around' started playing. As that song was finished we sang one more song together or should I say they sang a song to me. It was 'Na Na Na' only one of the cutest song ever. I would act out the song a little like for example when Logan sings "Baby just walk away." I actually walked away from him. I would try and give every boy my undivided attention. Which was hard since I only have eyes for Logan. Due to the fact that we're dating. There is only one problem with that, no-one can know. And when I say no-one, I really mean NO-ONE, not even the guys know. I don't really get why though. I mean the sneaky stuff can be fun, but I kind of had enough of it. I wanted to be able to kiss Logan whenever I wanted to, wherever I wanted. After we finished up 'Na Na Na', I finished up my show. Then I refreshed myself a little and came back for 2 encores, 'Love Me Again' by BTR and 'Lovebug' by The Jonas Brothers. Yeah, I like The Jonas Brothers, a lot. Got a problem with that? Don't think so.

After the concert we all went to my place to chill. We we're just hanging out when my phone buzzed. It was Logan. Why in the world would he text me if he is sitting almost right next to me? That toughed quickly became clear once I read the text.  

Logan: meet me in the bedroom in 5 ;) 

I tried my very best to hold back a smile. But I guess I failed because Kendall asked me. "Is everything okay Joni?"

"Yeah, fine." I responded. "I just have to do something upstairs." I said as I, almost, ran upstairs. I sat down on my bed and waited for more than 5 minutes. This is so Logan, asking me to go somewhere and then show up late. Finally he came through the bedroom door. He ran over to me and started kissing. "What did you tell them?"

"That I had to go to the bathroom."

I laughed a little at his lame excuse. "Upstairs?"

"I said I liked the bathroom upstairs better." this whole conversation was held in between kisses.

"Well, they're idiots for believing such a lame excuse. And you're an idiot for coming up with such a lame excuse." I playfully slapped his chest.

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot." He smirked. "Now, less talking, more kissing." He laid himself on top of me and I could feel his growing poking my thigh. "I need you, right here, right now." He whispered while his hand gently made his way underneath my shirt, but I pushed it away.

"Nothing I need you, the guys are downstairs, remember."

"I don't care." He whispered, kissing my neck. Oh damn, how I love his kisses. Logan was about to put his hand underneath my skirt, when there was a knock on the door. 


Well, here it is the first chapter to my first real (Wattpad)-book :)

I hope you enjoyed the first part and if you didn't I promise it'll get better :) can I at least get 1 vote so I know I should continue this story or not, I really want to :)

Okay so... Keep doing it like nobody's around :)


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