Chapter 16: Logiebear.

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11 am? Why didn't my alarm clock go off? I'll check it later. First shower, get ready and breakfast. I smell pancakes, probably just in my head. Shower, right. I decided to just wear some jeans and a sweatshirt. And now breakfast, I want pancakes! I slowly made my way downstairs. "Surprise!" A lot of people shouted. 

"What is this?" I asked surprised.  

"This is your surprise baby shower." My mom said hugging me. After that I started to give everyone a hug. 

"It's so good to see all of you again. And this while I look like a mess." Everyone just laughed that off but Logan pulled me into a hug.  

"You look perfect." He whispered. I blushed. 

"So, who wants pancakes? I made them." James said pointing to himself.  

"James made pancakes?" I asked quietly. 

"They're actually pretty good." Carlos answered. 

"Well in that case, I do!" I said that last part loud enough for everyone to hear. We sat down and ate. 

"Present-time!" Kendall said. 

"We first!" The girls said, which are, Erin, Ciara and Katelyn. The handed me the gift and I unwrapped it. 

"Oh my God, a baby phone, that must've cost you guys a fortune." I said surprised. 

"It's from the three of us so it's okay and it's not like we need to worry about money." Erin said. (this is not supposed to sound bitchy or spoiled.)  

"Thank you guys." I gave them a hug. 

"Okay, our turn." My parents said. They went to the hallway and came back with a stroller. 

"Mom, dad, you shouldn't have done that." I said still not believing me eyes. 

"It's okay sweetie, it's not like you're having a child everyday." My dad said jokingly. 

"Now us, now us." Carlos said happily. "This is from me and Alexa." He gave me the gift and then took Alexa's hand. I unwrapped the gift and laughed a little.  

"A sippy-cup. That will come in handy, someday. Thanks." I hugged Carlos first. 

"He really wanted to buy you that." Alexa sort of apologized. 

"It's cool, I like it and like I said it will come in handy, just not yet."  

"You're going to love my gift." Kendall said handing me it. I unwrapped it. 

"A Spiderman t-shirt. Awesome-sauce." I hugged him. 

"Batman's better." Logan fake coughed. 

"James, your turn." Kendall just said. Since when did he become so mature? Usually this would end up in an endless fight on whose best. 

"What? I already made pancakes."  

"So you don't have a gift?" 

"Of course I do. Here you go." He said handing me it. I unwrapped it. It was a BTR-blankie.  

"This is so cute, thank you, James." I hugged him.  

"Guess that only leaves me." Logan said and took the present from behind his back. 

"Batman wrapping paper? Really Logan?" I said looking at it. 

"What? Batman's awesome." I giggled. 

" Spiderman's cooler." Kendall fake coughed. 

"But Superman is the best." James added, making a Superman-pose. And there comes the arguing.  

"Guys, guys, guys, they're all amazing, okay." I said to shut them up. And it seemed to work. "Thanks." I said taking the gift from Logan's hands. I unwrapped it. It was a teddy bear. 

"I know it's not much but I wanted his first teddy bear to be from me." Logan spook, because I didn't say anything. I wrapped my arms around him. 

"It's perfect." I whispered. I giggled as we parted. "Imma call him Logiebear." 

"Uh no." Logan whined.

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