Chapter 15: Song for you.

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I was in the kitchen, searching for something to drink. "Can we talk?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up and nodded. "Somewhere more private." We walked to the guestroom.  

"I get it, Logan. You don't need to apologize or something. I get that you moved on, I mean, who wouldn't?" I started. 

"Joni, what are you talking about?" 

"The song you wrote." He took a piece of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to me. "What is this?" 

"The original lyrics to my song." I unfolded the paper. The lyrics were exactly the same as he sang them. Except instead of baby there was Joni. "There's a million pretty girls all over but they got nothing on you. Been all around the world but no-one gets me like the way you do. Joni, I thought that you should know, none of the rest are even close. A million pretty girls all over but you know this song's for you, this song's for you." He sang as I was looking at the paper. He knew I love that song and right now it's so accurate. So the song was for me.  

"But if the song was for me, then why did you ignore me after you sang it?" I questioned. 

"Because I was afraid you would yell at me again like last time, with Love Me Again." He explained. 

"That was different though."  

"What makes it so different?" 

"Well I had just announced that I'm pregnant and everybody was wondering who the baby's daddy is."  

"They still do."  

"Yeah, but you didn't say my name this time. This song could have been for anyone." 

"Well, I did that on purpose, I didn't want you to get mad at me again." 

"I'm sorry, for getting mad at you all the time." I apologized. 

"Don't be. If anyone should be sorry, it's me, for doing all those stupid things. You had every right to be mad at me. I'm sorry." 

"I know you are." I laid my hand on his cheek. A single tear fell but Logan quickly wiped it away. 

"I love you, Joni." 

"How?" He frowned his eyebrows. "I mean for the last few months I've been a bitch to you and look at me, I'm fat, I'm ugly and I cry all the freaking time. How can you still love me?"  

"Because, I know you, I know you're not a bitch. I know you're sweet, loving and caring. And please don't ever, ever, call yourself fat or ugly again because it's not true and you know it. And I'll gladly wipe away those tears, anytime."  

I sighed. "I needed you, Logan, and you weren't there. Or at least not the way you should have been."  

"I'm here now." 

"Maybe it's already too late. I don't know. I need some time. I know you've already been waiting for long but I need time to think about all of this." 

He nodded. "Just like in the song, I'll be waiting."

❤ Love Me Again. ❤ (A Logan Henderson Story) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now