Chapter 3: Get out!

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"Finally they're gone." Logan wrapped his arms around me from behind. He started kissing my neck. "I can't believe the guys know about us."

"Yeah, I can't believe you told them, but." I said turning around in his grip. "You did good telling them." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. 

"How about we finish what we started earlier." He kissed me while backing me up to the couch.

"Logan, Logan, wait." I said quickly. I slightly pushed his shoulders. "I need to...ask you something first." I hesitated about my choice of words.


" now that the guys know maybe it's time we...tell the rest of the world."


"Because it would makee everything so much easier. We can go out in public and we wouldn't have to worry about a thing."

"What if I don't want that?"

"Why would you not want that? Logan, this can only be good for our relationship. Okay, yeah we'll get some hate but we're used to that right? Haters gonna hate, Big Time Rush is gonna elevate. Remember?"

"Well yeah, but I don't know Joni. I think it's too soon."

"Are you...are you ashamed? Are you ashamed to be seen with me in public?" Tears were stinging in my eyes.

"No of course I' m not. We've been out in public lots of times together before Joni. What makes you think I'm ashamed of you. Stop being ridiculous."

"So now I'm ridiculous?" Tears were streaming down my face by now. 

"No that's not what I meant. Why do you even care so much." Logan's voice got louder with every word.

"Because.." My voice on the other hand was so low you could barely hear me.

"Tell me!" he demanded.

"don't yell at me." My voice got a little louder. 

"Tell me!" He repeated. he was scaring the hell out of me. I've never seen him like this.

"Because I'm pregnant, Logan!" Oh there was my voice. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried in them.

"What?" His voice much softer now. "I don't really get wh-." I didn't let him finish that sentence. 

"People are going to notice, Logan. I won't be able to hide it forever. They're going to ask who the baby's daddy is." 

"Oh, want to keep it." I gave him a look that had shocked all over it. 

"Are you serious? How dare you ask something like that?" 

"No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that." He tried grabbing my hand but I jerked away.

"Don't touch me!' I stood up, so did he.

"We're still so young. It was just a question." 

"I don't care if it was just a question! You d- aah." A cry of pain cut of my sentence. I grabbed my stomach. 

"Joni, are you okay?" He tried to get closer but I pushed him away.

"Leave me alone." I said as calm as possible.

"But Joni, let me help you." 

"I don't need your help." 

"You need a doctor." 

"Get out." 

"But Joni." He whined.

"Get out!" another cry left my lips. I clutched my stomach even tighter. 

"Okay." Logan said barely audible. After hearing the door shut I collapsed on the ground and darkness took over.


WHEEEEE!! I'm happy I could upload :) now the only thing left is for people to read this story. I'm already writing at chapter 7 xD I only have trouble uploading =S 

this is a little more exciting than the last 2 chapters isn't it? haha probably not xD whatever, bleep blaap, bloop xD




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