Chapter 8: Appointments.

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I rang the doorbell to Logan's house. All the curtains were closed. I just hope he isn't hooking up with some girl. Logan opened the door, adjusting his eyes to the light. "Kendork!" He shouted throwing his arms around me. I slightly pushed him away, he could barely stand on his feet. He was holding a beer bottle and it was definitely not his first. He looked tired.

"Logan, what the hell are you doing?" I said pointing to the bottle. "It's 10 am. You can't start drinking this early." Logan just laughed at me.

"Who says I just started. I've been up all night drinking." I forced myself inside his house. It was really messy, more than usual. There were empty alcohol bottles everywhere.

"Logan if you keep going like this you're going to kill yourself."

"Woohoo." Logan shouted throwing his hands in the air. "Wouldn't that be great? I mean what's worth to live for? Joni hates me, she hates me Kenny." He said holding my face. It's a good thing I know he is drunk. I pushed his hands away. "Everyone hates me, Joni, James, Carlos, you, Joni, everyone."

"We don't hate you Logan." It's true. We don't hate him just what he did.

"That's not true, Joni said it herself."

"That was just in the moment, I'm sure she didn't mean it." Okay maybe I'm lying a little but Joni also told me she still loves him and that she misses him. "But of course if you keep drinking like this she's never going to forgive you."

"I love her Ken. I want to be in her life and in the baby's life. I never meant to be so rude to her." I sighed, I knew I was going to regret what I was about to say.

"She has a doctors appointment today. Get in bed, sober up, get decent and ask her if you can go along." A smile spread across his face. He threw his arms back around me.

"Thank you, Kenny, thank you." Was he crying?

"Anytime." I sighed out. "Now get upstairs." He did as I told him.

Joni's P.O.V.

I groaned as the doorbell rang. Who could that possibly be? They know I'm about to leave for the doctors. My yawn dropped when I saw Logan standing there with red roses in his hand. I didn't know what to say. "Hi." Logan said.

"Logan, I don't really have time and I don't really like it when you just show up here." I said when I finally found my voice.

"I know, you have a doctors appointment." Kendall, I'm gonna kill him. "I was actually wondering if I could come along." What?! is what I wanted to shout in stead I just stayed quiet. "These are for you." He said handing me the flowers.

"Thanks." I really just wanted to kiss him and forget everything that had happened but I couldn't do that. "Look Logan I really appreciate what you're doing but I'm going to the doctor alone."

"I get it. Can I at least get a hug?"


"I miss you." Logan said into the hug. It was hard to hold back tears. We parted and looked into each others eyes. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. Darn it I shouldn't have done that, now I'm giving him hope. I miss him too though.

"Mrs. Diamond?" The doctor's assistance spook. My head popped up and I followed her inside.

"Mrs. Diamond." She, the doctor, shook my hand. "Please, take a seat." I did as she told. "How have you been feeling lately?"

"Tired, I haven't been sleeping well and than there is also my job which is pretty tiring." The doctor nodded.

"Speaking of your job, would you mind meeting my daughter, she loves your music."

"I wouldn't mind at all." I love meeting my fans, they always make me feel better. The doctor went through a door and came back with a girl that was about 12 years old. She was wearing a Big Time Rush t-shirt. I gulped as I saw Logan on it even if it was in t-shirt form.

"Oh my God it's Joni Diamond!" She squealed and ran up to me to give me a hug. I laughed.

"Hi, so what's your name?"

"I'm Luna." She said with the widest smile ever on her face.

"That's a really pretty name. I see you like BTR too. What's your favorite song by them?"

"Invisible. Can you sing it for me please."

"Luna." The doctor said trying to keep her daughter under control.

"Oh it's okay." I said to her. I cleared my throat and sang. "Do your ever wonder. When you listen to the thunder. And your world just feels so small. Put yourself on the line and time after time keep feeling inside like they don't know you're alive. Are you out of mind or just invisible. But I won't let you fall. I see you through them all and I just wanna let you know. When the lights go down in the city you'll be out there shining bright. You're a star, the sky's the limit and I'll be right by your side and oh you know you're not invisible to me. You're not gonna be invisible." Tears were in Luna's eyes. I wiped them away. "Please don't cry." I said with a smile. She nodded.

"Can I have a picture and an autograph?" She asks sweetly.

"Sure thing." She smiled and took out her camera and a little notepad. We took a picture and I signed the book. "It was nice meeting you." She gave me another hug and left. "Your daughter is very nice." The doctor laughed.

"She is to you." I laughed along now. "How about we go take a look at your baby." We both got up and I laid down on the bed. She puts this really cold gel on my tummy and rubbed it with some stick. "Well there it is." She said, I smiled. She moved the stick again. "This is the heartbeat." It was sort of a weird sound but I was so happy to hear it. "Every thing seems to be perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about a thing." The doctor said removing the stick and gel. A wide smile spread across my face. Everything was fine. We sat back down at her desk so I could pay her. "So I'll see you again next month."

"Okay." I said shaking her hand and leaving.

When I came home I thought of a better way to tell everyone I'm pregnant than in an interview. So I went on twitter.

@JonasRush: Tomorrow live chat @ 1pm est. I have some big news :) xo

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