Chapter 12: Alive and kicking.

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I woke up in Logan's arms. I had to admit it, I really like it. His arms around me always gave me a feeling of safety. I turned around and saw Logan laying there. He looked so innocent. I tried to get out of the bed as quiet as possible but something held me back. "Please don't leave." 

"You're lucky I'm still tired. Otherwise I wouldn't do this." I laid back down and Logan putted his arms back around me. Truth is, I liked it and I wanted to lay in his arms.  

"I miss this, I miss you by my side."  

I miss you too, is what I probably should have said. Instead I just stayed quiet. Until I felt something kick me. "Awtch." I said as the baby was kicking.  

"Is everything okay? Is it the baby? Is something wrong?" Logan said quickly. 

"Logan, relax it's fine, it's just that...he's a kicker."  

"Can I...?" He hesitantly asks. I took his hand and place it on my belly where you can feel the baby kicking. The baby kicked several times. Logan had a wide smile on his face.  

"He likes you." I said looking at his hand. So did Logan. 

"Seems so." He looked up at me. "Now if only the mother would like me too."  

"Logan, I-." There was a knock on the door. Logan's head dropped, he sighed and he laid on his back. 

"Oh there you are." James said. "Kendall is making pancakes. You guys coming?" I nodded. Logan didn't do anything, he just laid there. James shut the door and went downstairs. I wanted to get up but once again Logan stopped me. 

"We don't have to go downstairs you know. We could just stay here. You in my arms. Picking up where we left off."  

"Logan, I...I can't. I can't just take you back and pretend like nothing ever happened. You hurt me real bad." 

"I know and I'm sorry for that. I'm so so so sorry for that. Please Joni." 

"I'm sorry, Logan." He sighed. 

"Imma make you love me again. Tell me what I have to do and I'll do it." 

"Just be my friend." He sighed again but nodded. "Let's go downstairs." I said getting up and going for the door. 

"I remember last time I was here, I was in the same position as you are now but you stopped me for one last kiss. If I knew what was going to happen I would've never gone downstairs." I opened the door and went downstairs, Logan didn't follow.  

"Hey guys." I smiled as I entered the kitchen.  

"Morning." Everyone said. 

"So Joni." James started and leading me to the living room. I quickly grabbed some pancakes with me. We sat down at the dinner table. I ate my pancakes as James continued. "You and Logan back together?"  

"No, we're just friends." James rose an eyebrow. "I swear, look yesterday I caught Logan sneaking out because he thought I didn't want him here, I assured him he could stay, so we went to my room so we wouldn't wake you dorks up and we talked and laughed and then we fell asleep."  

"Just don't let him hurt you again." 

"I won't, even though it's not really up to me to decide about that."  

"I know, but still be careful." I laid my hand on his and smiled to say everything will be fine. "Oh and by the way, did you say anything to Logan before going on stage?" 

"I invited him here and I said I was having a boy."  

"You're having a boy?" I nodded.  

"Hey guys, what's up?" Carlos entered the living room.  

"Joni is having a boy." James said happily. Why was having a boy so important for them?  

"Really? that's awesome." Then finally Logan came off the stairs. He went straight to the door.  

"Why are you leaving so early?" I asked walking up to him. 

"Because it hurts me to see you and not being able to call you mine." I was speechless. He opened the door and left.

❤ Love Me Again. ❤ (A Logan Henderson Story) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now