Chapter 18: Saved by Batman.

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I woke up next to Logan. Our are arms tightly around each other. "Morning beautiful." He kissed the top of my head. He tried to get out of the bed but I held him even more tight. "I've been wishing for months for you to do this but I have to go." 

"I'm scared Logan, please don't go." 

"I would love to stay and you know that but I have to go to the studio, I can't miss this rehearsal. Call me if you need me, okay?" I nodded, grabbed my phone and dialed Logan's number. "Not funny, Joni." 

"What? I need you." 

"As soon as I'm done in the studio, I'm coming back here, okay?" I nodded. "Keep your phone close. Everything will be fine, I'm Batman, remember." I laughed. He kissed the top of my head and left. "Bye." 

"Bye." I sighed out. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. After half an hour of just laying there, I decided to go downstairs. I heard something in the kitchen. Someone was looking through my fridge. "Nick?" His head popped up. 

"Good morning." He smiled. 

"How did you get in here?" 

"The door was unlocked." 

"That doesn't give you the right to come inside and plunder my fridge. What were you doing anyway?" 

"I wanted to make you a surprise breakfast." 

"And the poison is the surprise or what?" 

"Babe, I would never hurt you." He smirked. 

"Babe?" I sighed. "I have to go to the bathroom." Okay he's freaking me out. I need to call Logan. "Logan?"  

"Is everything okay?" 

"I need you to come right away, he's in my house, I came downstairs and he was in my kitchen looking through my fridge, I'm scared Logan, I need you." 

"Is everything okay in there, babe?" Nicholas asked. 

"I'm not your babe and yeah I'm fine." I answered Nicholas. "Come quick." I whispered in the phone. I hung up and went back to the kitchen. "So is there a reason you came here?" 

Logan's P.O.V.  

"Is everything okay in there, babe?" I heard that Nicholas guy ask from afar. Babe? Why would he call her babe? Are they dating again? But would she do that? 

"I'm not your babe and yeah I'm fine." I then heard Joni shout. Okay so they're not dating. Thank God. "Come quick." She then whispered and hung up. Something was definitely not right. I need to go over there but I can't just leave. 

"Kendall!" He was the first person I saw. He turned around. "Kendall, I need you to call the cops and send them to Joni's place." He gave me a confused look. "I'll explain everything later, just do it." He nodded and took his phone. "James, Carlos, can you guys keep everyone busy here, I gotta go." I said quickly and ran to my car and drove to Joni. 

Joni's P.O.V. 

"I came to see you silly." Nicholas answered. 

"And why are you calling me babe?" 

"Because we never officially broke up." 

"Oh so you thought, I'm gonna go over there and just act like the past few years didn't happen? Live goes on, Nick." 

"I see that." He said looking at my belly. "I want you back, Joni." 

"After what you did to me? You expect me to take you back? Just like that." 

"I never got over you." Before I could say or do anything his lips were on mine and he kissed me roughly. I tried to push him away but again he's too strong. He started to unbuckle his belt. I took that as a chance to scream for help, but he putted his hand over my mouth, I spit in it again. "It's good to see fame hasn't changed you, still as bitchy and gross." He pushed his lips back on mine. Then I felt someone pull him off of me. It was Logan. He started to beat the guts out of him. I was breathing heavily, tears were in my eyes. I heard sirens. The police pulled Logan off Nick and checked if Nicholas was okay. Logan explained everything that had happened, but they wanted to hear the story from me. I told everything that had happened from high school till now and they took Nicholas away. Logan came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.  

"It's okay, he's gone. Everything's gonna be okay." He whispered.

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