Chapter 9: Back to the friendzone...or not.

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1pm. Live chat time. I clicked the start button. "Hey guys!" I waved to the camera. "Can you guys see and hear me?" There were a lot of yes' on the screen which made me smile. "Okay so I have my phone right here and laptop in front of me. You guys can ask me some questions through the site or on twitter where you can tweet me @JonasRush." Questions came rolling in. "I would love to come to Europe, but for now I'm just going to tour north America. But you never know. Could you pretty please say hi to...Charlotte, hi Charlotte, how are you? What's the big news you were talking about? Um...I not going to reveal that just yet. How are the guys of BTR? Well they're great. As a matter of fact I could call one them right now. Maybe Carlos? Would you guys like that?" There were a lot of yes' again so I dialed Carlos' number and putted it on speakerphone.

"Waazzaa!" Carlos shouted through the phone.

"Carlitos!" I shouted back. "Congrats your in the middle of my live chat."


"So what are you up to?"

"I'm at the studio right now with James. And after that I'm heading to Alexa."

"Cool. Can you pass me to James?"

"Sure, no problem, one sec."

"Hello?" James said.


"Joni! 'Sup?"

"Oh just doing a little live chat where you're in the middle of."

"Hi everyone!" I heard James' name being called in the back. "I gotta go. I love you guys and Joni, I'll see you later."

"Okay. Byeee!" I heard James chuckle and he hung up. "So how about some more questions. My ringtone at the moment is Pom Poms by the Jonas Brothers. Favorite food? I don't really know, I like French fries but yeah I like a lot of different food. Would I date a fan? Sure why not, I'm always thinking that the man that loves me and I love that he is my biggest fan. Hi Jess. Okay so it's 1.30 I think it's time for my big announcement. I wanted you guys to hear this from me and I thought about doing it in an interview but then I figured a live chat is more personal. I won't be doing as much shows as I am doing now and that's because." I lifted my shirt a bit because in my tank top you're able to see my belly more. "Because I'm pregnant." I smiled widely and then the doorbell rang, let's hope it's not Logan again. "Looks like we're having a guest, I'll be right back." I went to open the door. It was Kendall. "Come on, I'm in the middle of a live chat. But I am gonna kill you later. Ladies and gentlemen at my door just showed up, Kendall Francis Schmidt."

"Hey everyone." Kendall waved into the camera. A lot of hi's came on the screen. "You guys can ask me some questions if you'd like." the question 'Kendall, are you the baby's daddy?' shows up. "You told them?" Kendall asked turning to me.

"Yup and no Kendall is not the baby's daddy. Gross. He's my best friend. The baby's daddy and I are having some struggles and I'd appreciate it if there wouldn't be much questions about who the dad is." I felt the tears coming up thinking about Logan. "Okay guys, we should go now. I hope to see you guys soon somewhere. I love you. Byeeeeee!" I clicked the end button.

"So why did you wanna kill me."

"Logan showing up at my door asking if he could come along to the doctor's, doesn't ring a bell?"

"I'm sorry Joni but I had to do something. How did he look?"

"He looked fine. Why?"

"Because when I showed up at his door he was really waisted, he had been drinking all night, his house was full of empty alcohol bottles, he was talking about how great it would be if he would drink himself to death. He thinks everyone hates him and what's bugging him the most is that you told him you hate him."

"I do." I said sternly.

"No, you don't, you hate what he did, you hate that he hurt you, but you don't hate him, you love him." He is right, I hate it when he's right. "Come with me to the concert tonight, talk with him, I don't expect you to take him back but let him be in your life and in the baby's life." I nodded, a talk wouldn't hurt.

*at the concert*

"Hey Logan." I smiled.

"Joni? What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, but I just didn't expect you."

"Logan chill." He took a breath. "Kendall invited me and I...I wanted to talk to you."

"You do?" I nodded.

"I don't hate you Logan, I hate what you did but I don't hate you."

"You don't?" I shook my head. "I want to be in your life, Joni and in the baby's."

"I know and I'm going to let you, as a friend." He wrapped his arms around me, I hugged him back.

"I love you, Joni." He laid his hand on my cheek. I know he was waiting for me to say I love you too but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry." I say looking down.

"5 minutes." A man shouted.

"I gotta go." I nodded.

"Good luck." He smiled, I loved his smile.

The show was almost over, just one more song, Love Me Again. Logan started talking. "You guys all know Joni Diamond right?" The crowd cheered. What is he doing? "I'd like to dedicate this last song to her, Joni and I used to be really close but something came up and now we're struggling. But I'm determined to make her Love Me Again." Then the track started playing. Why did he do that? Why? Just when I was starting to open up to him again. The guys came off stage and Logan ran up to me.

"Get away from me. Why did you do that Logan. You think that is gonna make me love you again? Well think again. You ruined your last chance, just like you ruined my life. I don't want to see you again, ever!"

"No, Joni, I can't live without you."

"Well you should have thought about that before." He grabbed my face in both hands and kissed me but I pushed him away and slapped him right across the face. I ran to my car and went home, crying.

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