Chapter 2; Fighter

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Chapter 2: Fighter

Obi Won's POV;

"Well?" I ask, standing up as Master comes through the doors of the council meeting. 

"Everything is going as planned. She will stay here for the time being, and when the council feels she is old enough, she will come stay with us, until she is old enough to be trained." He says, and takes her from my arms. I haven't put her down that often, so it feels odd without her in my arms.

"Who will be her fosters?" I ask, walking along next to him.

"We're not sure yet. But, we have a mission to go on, so little Kanobi will stay here in the nursery" Master says, and the doors to the nursery open.

"Master Qui-Gon Jinn" The nurse says, and dips her head down in respect to him.

"Obi Won" She says to me, and bows her head a little again.

"Hello, Jessa. We need to keep this child here. I suppose you've already gotten Master Yoda's commands?" Master says, and places Hannah in her hands.

"Yes, I have. I have also agreed to be her foster mother for the time being. She's in great care. What's her name?" Jessa asks, placing Hannah in a bed.

"Hannah" I say, cutting my master off.

"Hannah Kanobi" I say, and Jessa stands a little straighter.

"You're her adoptive father?" She asks.

"Yes, he is" Master says, cutting me off this time.  

"Well, just know that your daughter is in great care" Jessa says, placing a card on Hannah's bed, reading;

Hannah Kanobi.

"Thank you. We must go. Take care" Master says, and I take one last look at Hannah.

"Take care, my young Padawon" I say to her, and kiss her on her forehead.

"Goodbye, Obi Won" Jessa says, smiling at me.

"Come, Padawon. We must go" Master says, and I jog up the stairs to him.

----- 9 Years Later ------

Hannah's POV;

"HANNAH!" Jessa yells, laughing at me as I run around the room like a plane.

"I'M GOING WITH DADDY!" I scream, and she laughs harder.

"Come on, young one. Let's go pack" Jessa says, and I jog up to her, as we walk to my room.

"So, remember, stay safe and listen to your father. I don't need you getting hurt"  

"I know, Jess" I say, and grab my backpack, now full of clothes.

"And If you start your period while you're out there, you know what to do" she says, and the doorbell rings.

"JESSA THAT'S FRIGGIN NASTY!" I say, and she slaps the back of my head.


"Uh.. YOU! YOU SAY IT ALL THE TIME!" I yell back, and the door opens to reveal an amused Dad and Master Jinn

"Uh.. hi!" Jessa says.

"So, how's the language barrier going?" Dad asks, laughing.

"DADDY!" I yell, and run up to him.

He lifts me up and hugs me.

"I've missed you. Sweetie" He says, and puts me down.

"I missed you more!" I argue, and Master Jinn laughs.

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