Chapter 12; 3 Months Earlier

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Hannah's POV:


Slicing through the last droid, I turn off my saber, exhausted.

"You're losing energy" He says, and I almost laugh.

"Because of you" I say, sitting down around the spare droids I'd made, then destroyed.

I needed practice, and there were plenty of parts... and time.

"Perhaps you're not strong enough to save Anakin" He says, and my head snaps up to meet his yellow eyes.

"Don't touch him" I say, trying to sound tough, but I'm losing too much energy.

"You try to sound strong but you come out weaker" He laughs, and I almost break down then and there.

Lately... it's like I'm a droid that's running out of battery. I've shut down... trying to save what little energy I have left.

I'm scared to go to sleep, terrified I won't wake up.

"Join me, and you'll become stronger then you ever were" He says, holding out his hand.

"I'll never join you" I slur, losing everything so fast my head spins.

"Oh... but you will" He says, laughing as he leaves, some of my energy coming back.

R2D2 comes into the room, rolling faster towards me when he sees me.

I'm leaning against the seat, but I'm too tired to hold my head up.

His beeps wake me up a little, and he backs up, a hologram appearing in front of me.

"Hannah..." Ani's voice says, and I smile a little.

He broke the code to talk to me.

"Hannah I don't have much time," He says, looking around, "I had a dream. Are you okay? Obi-Wan wont tell me anything, but I need to know if you're okay. Please... just one letter in return will tell me you're okay. Please... Please answer me." *Crash*

"ANAKIN?" Dads voice calls, and Ani jumps in surprise.

"Gotta go" He says, and the transmission is cut off.

I smile and lean my head back, looking up at the ceiling.

"R2, tell him I'm okay" I say, and R2's beeps are heard, and he rolls closer to me, shining a light in my eye.

He rolls away, but soon comes back with a stretcher trailing behind him.


R2 struggles to roll his master onto the bed, but succeeds and brings her to the infirmary, lifting her onto the hospital bed and putting in an IV, giving her some fluids for energy.

"Thanks, R2" She whispers, before falling asleep.

R2 sadly beeps, and rolls to the corner, standing watch for anything, even though they're alone on this ship.

In the middle of nowhere.



"Masters, shall we check up on the young padawon in the Grodos system?" Master Windu suggests, and a few chuckle, but Obi-Wan looks pissed off and nervous.

They all thought she was a joke after her outburst and disrespect of the council. This mission was for children, not a 22 year old padawon. They'd given her this mission because they felt she needed a mental test... so why not lock her away from 5 months.

They start the holograph conference, and after a few moments of nothing... a few of them start to get worried.

Just as Master Windu starts to say something, the familiar droid of R2D2 appears.

"R2? What are you doing? Where's Hannah?" Obi-Wan says, and R2's beeps give them the worst news as it's translated through the hologram.

"Master sick. Very sick. She's asleep and on Medication" was the rough translation.

"R2, show us her" Master Windu says, and R2 picks up the com link, before turning it to where they see Hannah on a hospital bed, a vaporizer over her mouth, sweat matting her hair to her face and neck, and an IV pumping medicines into her veins.

"R2, how long has she been like this?" Obi-Wan asks.

"She passed out 31 minutes and 29 seconds ago. Her medicines started 27 minutes and 40 seconds ago"

"R2, do you know what's wrong with her?" Master Mundi asks.

"She's very tired. She doesn't eat and faints often"

"That could be a number of things, R2 how did she get her scar?" Obi-Wan asks,

"Scary person, made her scream. When she finally came out of the room she had the scar"

"She said there was no one there" Master Flora says.

"R2, are there any other lifeforms on the ship?"

"No. He wasn't alive either"

"R2 what does that mean?" Obi-Wan asks, getting irritable.

"R2?" Hannah says, coughing.

"HANNAH!" Obi-Wan yells, and Master Windu holds a hand to silence him.

"R2 end the call" She says, coughing up something.

"R2 END THE CALL!" She screams, and the call ends with one last message from R2


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