Chapter 15; Out of Body

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Opening my eyes, I see Anakin, Master Windu, and Obi-Won standing around my body.

"I don't know if we can save her" I hear Master Windu say.

"Why on earth not? It's just a slice to the stomach! You've healed Anakin and I from much worse!" Dad says.

"I never said we couldn't heal her. I said we might not be able to save her" Master Windu says.

"And that means...?" Anakin asks.

"We can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. You know, people can die of a 'broken heart'. It's when the person just doesn't have the will to live anymore. We figure, from what you've told us, she doesn't want to live because she thinks she'll never live with either of you two again" Master Windu says, and... he's right.

After what I did to them, they'll never forgive me.

I told my father I hated him, and tried to kill him. I almost did kill Anakin, and I almost brought the entire Jedi empire to dust.

"Chancellor Palpatine got away, with whatever plans they had. The only person to know these is Hannah and she doesn't want to live." Master Windu says.

"I can try to do some powers with the force to get her to wake up, if you wish" Master Windu says, and Anakin nods frantically while father just backs into a chair, shocked expression on his face.

"If the last thing I saw of her living was her falling to her death..." Dad says, and I wipe the tears that fell from my eyes.

Anakin lets go of my hand, and heads to Obi-Won, comforting him.

"We're gonna get her back. And she'll be how she used to be. No more daddy-daughter issues. She'll be back to normal." Anakin says, and Obi-Won looks up and nods at Master Windu.

Windu then closes his eyes and focuses. I feel something strange then I see Master Windu look up at me.

"The guys want to see you" He says, looking me dead in the eye. I see Anakin and Obi-Won look up at him then look in my general direction.

"Wait she's here?" Dad asks, standing up.

"Out of body" I say, and it sounds echoed.

"She's having an out of body experience. She can see and hear everything we do" He says, and I smile, but frown when I remember why we're here.

"Hannah, you need to come back. The council isn't mad at you. They're actually proud of you. Many Jedi have been seduced by the dark side but you're the only one who has come back" He pleads.

"I almost killed them" I yell, and again it sounds echoed.

"But you didn't" He says.

"But I could've" I say, a tear sliding down my face.

"What? What is it? What's going on?" Dad asks, standing up and looking between where I am and Master Windu.

"I can't" I cry, tears falling freely.

"Hannah. You have so much here. You can't throw this away." Master Windu says and dad's getting mad.

"MACE WINDU WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY DAUGHTER!" He yells, and I cower over at his sudden outburst.

"I cant hurt him anymore" I say, crying as I slide down next to the hospital bed.

"Hannah if you go it will only hurt them worse" Windu says, crouching about 5 feet in front of me.

"Where is she?" Anakin says, speaking up for the first time since Windu went in force-mode.

"Touch him" Master Windu says, and I reach out and grab his hand.

His head fly's to his hand and he looks at where I am, his eyes searching for anything from me.

"Anakin" I say, and he seems to hear me.

"Hannah" He says, crouching next to me.

"Oh my god I'm talking to a corner" He says, and I laugh.

He smiles and we both look to Master Windu, who just nods.

"Hannah, listen to me" Anakin says, looking me dead in the eye without even realizing it.

"You have to come back. Please. All of this has taken a big toll on all of us. Remember our plan?" He asks, tears falling down his face.

"That plan might be ruined now" I say, looking at my body, bandages wrapped around my torso.

"Does he know?" Master Windu asks, nodding towards my father.

"No. Of course not" I say, and Anakin looks at dad.

"He wouldn't of hit her there if he knew" Anakin says, and Dad looks confused.

"What don't I know?" He asks, biting his nails.

Master Windu looks at me and I nod.

"Obi-Won," Master Windu says, "She was pregnant"

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