Chapter 20; Mustafar

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"ANI!" I yell, pain in my voice when I can't find him.

"Right behind you, sweetheart" He whispers in my ear, before going back to his fighting.

"Hannah duck!" Dad yells, and I drop to the floor, feeling a laser shot right above me. I roll onto my back and swipe my saber through the guy, slicing him in half.

It's times like these when I feel the dark side.

When we're losing a large battle.

3 vs. 100

The dark side gives me strength, but it also gives me weakness.

"Snap out of it" Ani growls, when he see's my saber turning darker.

Yes, my saber is one of the ones to change colour.

It doesn't snap to the next colour it more of fades into it.

The orange will get much darker to red, and much lighter to green

I slow my heart rate, turning the colour back, and flip back onto my feet, colliding my back with Ani's as we switch and start fighting the others opponents.

"GET DOWN, NOW!" Dad yells, and all of our enemys are dead.

"Really?" I ask, panting.

The sim turns off and we're back in the training room at the council.

There haven't been many threats recently, but we've all felt a slight, very small disturbance in the force.

"Good job. You controlled it better" Dad says, patting my back.

I've been having this feeling, like I want to be alone.

"Hey I'll be back tomorrow. I'm gonna take a break" I say, and Ani follows me out.

"Hey," He says, grabbing my arm.

"You okay?" He asks, pulling me close and placing his hand on my hip.

"Yeah. I, just... need to see something." I say, pecking his lips, but he wants more.

He presses me against the wall and we passionately kiss, until the training room door opens.

We break the kiss, and dad laughs, coming from the doorway.

"Kids" He mutters, laughing.

"Ani, I actually think it's time we have a chat. Hannah," He says, tossing me a communicator.

Ani kisses me softly, then leaves with dad, and I jog off to the ship yard.

I pick out one of the small Jedi tracker jets, and grab the keys from the front box.

"Going, where are you?" Yoda's scratchy voice says, surprising me.

I turn and kneel down to his level.

"You know where I'm going. I just... need to see it. I need to know that this was real" I say, and Yoda hums in understanding.

"Gone more than a day, if you are, come search for you, we will" He says, and I nod.

"I'll be back" I say, and he dismisses me, so I stand up and jog back to the jet, climbing in and starting everything up.

"Be careful" Yoda says in my head, and I turn to see him in the doorway.

I nod and salute off, before taking off into the skies.



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