Chapter 25; Final Goodbye

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LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-6 Months Later-

"HAYDEN!" I yell, running under ships under construction.

"HAYDEN" I yell again, spotting him talking with some workers.

"Hayden, we gotta go. Now" I say, pulling him along.

"What's going on?" He asks, as he follows me into the already packed ship.

I pre-packed everything, not wanting to alarm him if it was just a false alarm.

It isn't.

"Enemy base overhead, we gotta stop them before they blow this planet to bits" I say, taking off and speeding out of the atmosphere.

Exiting the atmosphere, Hayden and I enter the real battle, and his first REAL mission.

"Listen to me" I say, using my adult tone, "When we get in there, you will follow me and stay calm. This mission is not going to go very well, because we've never battled with each other. You will listen to me and do not do anything stupid."

"Yes Master" Hayden nervously says, as we land in the hangar.

"Got your saber?" I ask, and he nods.

"Let's go" I say, exiting the ship first.

"Any droids with guns are bad guys, anyone shooting at you is a bad guy, got it?" I say, as we get to the elevators.

"Got it" He says, and we go to the main floor.


"That was surprisingly easy" Hayden says, as we land back on hoth.

I chuckle and place a hand on his shoulder.

"It wont always be like this" I say, sadly.

"I know, it was still a good first mission, though" He says, as we get dressed in the massive overcoats.

"Don't let it get to your head" I say, ruffling his hair and jogging to the doors, heading to the emperor.

"Everything is clear. They're no longer a threat" I report.

"Good" She says, nodding in dismissal.

I head to the cafeteria, where Hayden usually is, but one of the guards stops me.

"He went to the training room" He says, and I nod and jog to him.

"You train too much" I say, after a few seconds of watching him practicing.

"There's no such thing as too much training" He says, panting.

"Yes, there is. You must relax. Use the force. If you train to much then when the real battle comes, you'll expect them to take the moves you think about now. You must learn to use the force, and have it help protect you" I say, and he seems to understand.

"I killed someone today" He says, sitting down.

I walk up to him and sit in front of him.

"You saved 200" I say.

"That doesn't make it better! I directly took someone's life. I watched them die" Hayden says, tearing up at the end.

"I don't know if I can do this" Hayden says, looking up at me, tears in his eyes.

"Hayden..." I start, but he cuts me off, standing up and pacing.

"Just... leave me alone" He says, and I nod.

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