Chapter 22; I do

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Hannah's POV:

"Hello" I call, walking into the apartment.

"THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE" Ani says, running up and hugging me tight.

"Woah babe calm down" I say, laughing as he puts me down.

"Obi-Wan is soooo controlling" He whispers in my ear and I laugh.

"Dad?" I call, walking to where they were in the living room.

I sit down next to them, checking out the current plans.

"100 people good?" Dad asks, showing me a list.

Mostly Jedi, some friends from other planets.

"Sounds good" I say.

"Jessa knows people who can beautify me and make me a girl, so don't worry about that stuff" I say, and dad lets out a bark of laughter.

"We all know you're a girl" Dad says, tapping my stomach.

"Hardy har har, you know what I meant" I say, and Ani hands me a mug of tea.

"Thanks" I say, sipping it softly.

"You could've just told me to take meds" I say to Ani, chuckling at the taste in my mouth.

"Would you've listened?" He asks, smirking.

"Nope" I say, pecking his lips.

Dad chuckles and stands up.

"Well I'm tired so, goodnight. Oh and Hannah pick a date damnit!" Dad calls, and I laugh.

"Three weeks?" I ask Ani, and he smiles and nods.

"Come on" He says, and we head to the bedroom.

"DON'T DUMP IT OUT!" Ani yells, just as I'm about to dump out the tea.

I groan loudly and he laughs, kissing my forehead.

"You gotta make sure this baby is okay" He whispers, kissing my neck softly.

"It will be" I say, shrugging him off playfully and finishing the whole glass.

"Done" I say, and set the mug down, going into the room.


"LET ME KEEP MY SABER GODDAMNIT!" I scream, running down the long hallways with my saber in hand, running from Jessa.

"IT'S YOUR WEDDING DAY NOT A WAR" she yells back.

"DAAAAAD" I scream, and see him walk out of a room.

"What the hell is going on?" He asks, as I stop running next to him, panting.

"She. Tried. Take. Saber" I pant, and he laughs, placing his hand on my back.

"Jessa, let her have the saber. Hannah, listen to Jessa" He says.

"YOU JUST CREATED A NEVERENDING PARADOX!" I scream, and hear Anakin burst out laughing from inside the room.

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE HER ANI!" Jessa yells, and next thing I know, two droids are carrying me back to my room.

I groan and sit back down on the seat, Jessa's friend, Gianna, finishing my hair, still laughing because of the whole ordeal between me and Jessa.

I'm currently only wearing shorts and a tank top, so everyone watching was probably dying of laughter.

"Ready to see your dress?" Jessa asks, wheeling out a covered dress.

"Sure?" I ask, chuckling.


"I do" I say, smiling at ani.

"I do" He repeats, and after a few seconds of useless talking from dad, our lips collide and everyone cheers.

We break this kiss, both of us smiling so hard our faces hurt.

"I love you" I say, pecking his lips again.

After about 30 minutes, we head into the ballroom for the after party.

I got changed into more casual clothes, but they were still white, much to my dismay.

It was white pants with a black trim, my black combat boots, and a white long sleeve skintight shirt, showing off my baby bump.

Ani had gotten changed into casual Naboo clothes, and smiled when he saw me.

"Hello Wife" He says, holding my waist.

"Hello Husband" I say, laughing as I peck his lips.

"Ehem" Someone says, clearing their throat.

We turn to see dad.

"May I steal her for a moment?" He asks, and I smile and walk into his open arms for the daughter-father dance.

Light music is played in the background as everyone moves aside, letting us have space.

"How do you feel?" I ask after a few seconds.

"Good. Do you feel anything?" He asks, and I sense the double meaning behind his words.

"Yep... I was trying to ignore it, though" I whisper, low-key looking around.

"All the Jedi feel it. We think they're after the young one" Dad says, and I take a shakey breath.

"Is he close?" I ask, looking for Anakin, who is nowhere to be seen.

"Use the force" dad says, and we break the dance, bowing to each other and I run off, following Anakin's trail.

"You didn't really think you'd be able to get away with a Jedi baby, did you?" Someone says and I see Ani being held down by his arm.

"Jengo" I whisper, grabbing my saber.

"We already have" Ani sputters out, losing breath.

At this Jengo laughs and pulls out a gun.

"You wish" I say, turning on my saber and slicing off his head.

"Hannah!" Ani says, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so sorry" Ani says, playing with my hair behind me.

"It's okay, you're okay" I say, and grab his hand.

"Are we, though?" Ani asks, stopping us from walking back.

"What do you mean?" I ask, leaning against the wall.

"How many other people out there want this baby dead?" Ani asks, placing his hand on my stomach.

"There's no one left who could want it gone." I say, stroking his cheek.

He sighs and nods.

"You're right" He says, and I lift my head up to meet his lips in a passionate kiss.

"What happened?" Dad asks, jogging with two other Jedi behind him, sabers in hand.

"Jengo" Ani says, nodding behind him.

"You both alright?" Master Mindi asks, and we both nod.

"Alright, go back to your wedding, we'll take care of this" Dad says, nodding us off.

Me and Ani head back to the ballroom, re-joining the party.

-5 Hours Later-

"And for the best part" Ani says, as we lay down on the bed, making out,

I just laugh as he continues to take off my overly tight shirt.

"I love you" He says, kissing me passionately.

"I love you too"

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