Chapter 3; Padawon

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Chapter 3: Padawon;

Hannah's POV;

"Where'd you get that move from anyways?" Dad asks, out of breath.

We got bored, so we decided to work out.

"What move?" I ask, and jump down and start doing sit ups.

"Turning off the saber" He says, and I laugh.

"You saw the fight?" I ask.

"I saw sabers battling" He says, laughing also.

"Well, I knew it would throw him off. I guess I just thought of it one day. I've always wanted to use it" I say.

"Well, it was smart" He says, and tosses me a towel.

"Go shower up. You reek" He says, and I laugh, stand up, and mock salute him.

I go to my small bedroom, and grab a change of clothes, and head to the bathroom to shower up.

What's a green saber like? Oh.. what about a red one? 


"Why can't I go outside?" I ask Obi Wan.

"Not after last night" He says, and looks up to me.

I'm standing in the middle of the ship, towel drying my hair.

"c'mere" He says, and holds his hands open.

"If you wanna be a Jedi" He says, and starts fixing my outfit, tucking in the shirt, adjusting the belt, "You gotta dress like one" He says, and straps in my light saber.

"You're lucky we don't make you cut your hair" He says, laughing and goes up to the cockpit and starts testing things.

"More like you're lucky you aren't making me cut my hair." I challenge, and he laughs.

"You and me are going to the races, make your hair look nice" He says, and tosses me a comb.

"Be out soon" I say, and go to my room and look in the mirror. I put on some makeup, nothing too bold, and start brushing out my hair. I see a pack of string for my hair, and smirk as a plan comes to mind.

I take a small section of hair by my left ear, and braid in a bundle of string, then grab some scissors, and trim my bangs. I take the rest of my hair, and make it into a braided bun. I brush out my bangs, and smirk in the mirror.

"Come, young padawon" Obi Wan says, leaning against the wall.

I smile and stand up, and jog out of the ship.

"You're finally calling me padawon?" I ask, when my dad finally catches up to me.

"You finally look it" He says, smiling.

"Now c'mon. We're late" He says, and we start jogging to the town.

We finally get to the arena, and see Anakin's in 2nd place, and it's the start of the 3rd round.

"Anything interesting?" I ask, leaning over Master Jinn's shoulder.

"Anakin's in 2nd" His mom says, smiling worriedly.

"Here they come" I say, and move to the edge of the balcony.

Anakin and the alien that JarJar got in trouble with seem to be stuck together.

"Come on, Ani" I whisper.

I open my eyes, and see the alien crashing, and Anakin winning first place, and freedom.

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