Chapter 5; Naboo

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CHAPTER 4: Naboo

Hannah's POV;

"Padawon Hannah, do you have a moment? I'd wish to talk to you about some things" Senator Amidala asks, lightly grabbing my arm as I was doing a quick walk around, checking in with Ani in the computer room.

"Sure! And please, just call me Hannah" I say, smiling.

She smiles back and motions for me to follow her.

She leads me to a room similar to a penthouse suite in the Jedi Palace.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sitting across from her at a table.

"Well, I just wanted to thank you so very much for doing this. We know neither of you had too, and it means a lot to all of us here on Naboo" She says, and I smile.

"It's really no problem" I say, and she smiles.

"And, I hate to ask for more..." She nervously trails off.

"Anything. We're here under your command." I say

"Its just, this planet is very peaceful. We've only had one major battle and that scared the citizens into hiding. We're a very delicate system, and when people hear the word 'Jedi', they automatically get nervous. They see you guys and think of you as officers who will kill them at a second glance. We just want the planet at peace" Senator Amidala says, very nervously.

"Well I hope you know that we would never think of doing anything like that. We want this planet at peace just about as much as you do. If there's anything we could do to set them at ease..." I say.

"We feel it would be better if you... tried to fit in more. We know you're not around often, and when you are you have a smile on your face, but people still get nervous." She explains, and I nod in understanding.

"So... dress more casually? Not show the sabers?" I ask, confirming what was written between the lines.

"If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, yes, please" She says, and I can tell she feels bad.

Hey, I would too if I had to tell someone to change their outfit.

"It's no problem at all, and I totally understand. We don't know how long we're going to be here, so having the community at ease will make this a lot less difficult" I say, and she smiles, her nerves leaving her.

"Thank you so much for understanding. There are extra clothes in the palace you're staying at, but I could always have some made for you"

"Oh that won't be necessary, you have enough to worry about" I say, smiling.

She smiles and stands up, me following her actions.

"Oh! One more thing," she says, stopping at the door.

"There's an annual ball that we're having, tomorrow night. We'd be honored if you came. As a... thanks" She says, and I smile and nod.

"We'll be there. Both as your protection and as grateful guests" I say, and she smiles.

We say our goodbyes and I jog back to the palace, meeting Ani at the doors.

"Hey! Where'd you go?" He asks, as we climb the stairs.

"I was talking with the senator. She wishes for us to... blend in more. There are clothes in here that she requests we wear for the time being. Just to make the community more at ease" I explain and he nods, heading to his room.

"See you in a few?" He asks, and I smile and nod.

Closing my door behind me, I toss my saber on my bed and take down my hair, letting it fall naturally.

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