Chapter 4; 10 Years Later

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Chapter 4;

-10 Years Later-

Standing in the shadows, I watch as my Master greets two more Jedi along with Yoda and Windu.

Another test is about to happen.

I can feel it.

I look up to see a pair of eyes already staring at me, but Kina steps in the way, and I slide into a crowd of people, getting a better advantage point.

A few seconds pass, and I feel a disturbance, and pin point it to a sharp-shooter hiding behind a bench about 50 yards in front of the Jedi I'm protecting.

I grab both me and Kina's sabers, and sprint off to her.

I slide next to her, unclasping my hood and turning on my saber, slicing at the air, cutting the bullet in half.

Kina's saber turns on, and I do a 360, wielding the saber like a bat, stopping more obstacles in their path, getting angrier.

"HANNAH!" Kina yells, and I turn to look at her, and get shot in the right thigh.

The two new Jedi try to run up to me, but Yoda stops them, making me fight on my own.

"Test this is not. Real life, this is" Yoda's scratchy voice says, and I fill with panic as more bullets come at me and Kina.

I stand up, but fall, ending up doing a barrel roll then using the momentum to stand up and send a glare at could kill in the direction of the menace.

I feel the force pumping through my veins.

My glare tightens as my muscles clench and I see the guy start to hobble, the weight of the force being too much for him.

I hear Yoda hum in disapproval, and Kina's arm is across my chest in an instant, pulling me back.

"WHAT THE HELL" She yells, but we both stop as we duck and start fighting more villans.

"Enough" Yoda says, and the guys back down in an instant.

I turn off my saber, panting as I look at Yoda in part anger, part anxiety. 

"Infirmary, get her to" Yoda says, and Kina starts to help me but I yank my arm away, turning my saber back on and slicing through one of the hidden droids.

"Roger Roger" I mutter, walking through the front doors of the temple.

-later that night- -penthouse-

"THIS ISNT REAL" I scream, throwing glass around the room.

"Hannah, listen to me. You need to calm down for just a minute. Put on that pretty little acting face for just 5 minutes. Then you can go down and talk to Master Windu and Yoda. For now, we have guests" Kina says, and my head snaps to the elevator doors as they ding, and start to open.

I sprint to my room and quickly wash my face, taking my hair out of it's perfect bun, letting it fall in natural waves around my face.

I look up, my face dripping in sweat and water, and almost let out a sob through fear.

Lately, things have been wrong. I've been having nightmares. I feel like someone's watching me. And me and Kina... we haven't been as close since my first nightmare.

I splash water onto my face again, then dry it off with a towel, fixing my hair and heading out into the living room.

"And here she is!" Kina says, extending her arm to me, as I stand next to her in padawon position.

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