Chapter 13; the Truth

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"I feel lost" I admit.

"What do you mean?" Ani asks, chuckling as he tosses his saber on the bed casually.

"Somethings wrong..." I trail off.

"I'm not the Jedi I should be" I say, and he looks at me in confusion.

"I want more, and I know I shouldn't" I say, looking out the window.

"You pressure yourself to much, you need to relax. Everything will fall into place" He says, moving my hair out of my face.

"Dad was here... wasn't he?" I ask, and ani tenses before nodding.

"He's worried about you" He says, touching my scar.

A flash of that night floods my brain but I quickly throw it away.

"He should be" I whisper, barely audible as Ani hugs me, clearly not hearing me.

He really should be.


"Goodbye, father. And good luck" I say, wishing my father goodbye with Anakin.

Dad leaves and me and Ani are left standing there.

"Wanna go get some food? Maybe the diner down the road?" Ani suggests, smiling.

"I can't. I have a meeting with the Chancellor about something" I say, and he seems upset.

"Too important to be with me?" He asks, hurt.

"Ani, if I could I would. I love you" I say, pecking his cheek and jogging off to the transport station.

Turning my head slightly, I see Ani leaning against the railing, clearly upset.

I sigh, but turn back around, heading to the Chancellor.


"Young Kenobi, you're late" The chancellor says as I enter the room.

"My apologies, sir" I say, as he turns his chair to face me.

"How is Master Kenobi?" He asks.

"He just left for General Grievous. The war has started, I'm afraid" I inform him.

"Well, I hope he does well" He says, and I feel my agitation set in.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"Yes... I hear you've been having some difficulty lately" He says, and I chuckle, confused.

"I'm sorry?" I ask, confused af.

"How'd you get that scar?" He asks, walking towards me.

"I fell" I lie, and he smiles.

"Sure you did." He says, and I roll my eyes.

"Look sir, I'm very busy and I cancelled something very important to see what you wanted" I say, very aggravated.

"I want to stop playing games with you, Kenobi" He growls, and I immediately pull out my saber, turning it on.

"You're the sith lord" I say, gritting my teeth in anger.

"Are you going to kill me?" He smirks

"Oh I'd love to" I say, my saber following his every move.

"I can feel your hate" He says, taking in my energy.

"Stop" I growl, stopping him from taking anything else.

"You've grown stronger since our last encounter" He says, surprised.

"But not strong enough" He says, turning on his red saber.

He attacks first and I fight back with everything I have.

Our sabers battle, and just as I'm about to win, he's inside my head, flashing pictures of Anakin's dead body fallen by my feet, an evil glint in my eyes.

"STOP!" I scream, throwing myself against the wall, crying into my hands.

"You can stop it" He says, and I look up to see his yellow eyes.

He now has scars covering his whole face, from the fight and using so much energy.

"Join me, and it will never happen" He says, and I hear Anakin screaming in my head.

Standing up, I hobble over to him, a single tear falling as I drop my saber, and fall to my knees.

"I pledge myself... entirely to your teachings" I slur out, exhausted with everything.

"Good" He says, and I feel my bond with Obi-Wan breaking, and being replaced with a new one.

"Your new name shall be... Darth. Vader." He slurs out, my energy being a lot for him to take in.

Darth Sidious is my master.

And I am his padawon.


"Anakin" I say, running to him.

"Where have you been? What's wrong?" He asks, his thumbs wiping my face.

"I have to go. I have been given an assignment" I say, leading him into the apartment.

"From the council? But they're not even here" Ani asks, confused.

"No, from the Chancellor. I must go. Stay Here" I say, kissing him passionately.

Breaking the kiss, I run back to my ship, hoping in it and starting it up again.

"STAY HERE AND DON'T MOVE" I yell over the engine, taking off as I see Ani fall to his knees where my ship once was.

Wiping a single tear, I head back to Sidious.

"Don't kill the Jedi, not yet at least" I say, barging into his office.

"And why not?" He asks.

"They'll be easier to kill once they're all here. And wouldn't you want the pleasure of watching them fall?" I ask, smirking.

"I'm so glad you're my new apprentice, Vader. But, you must go to the planet Mustafar on the outer rim. Kill the viceroy and everyone there. They will surely betray us" He says, and I nod and leave the room, heading off to Mustafar.


"You must be Darth Vader.. it's a pleasure" The viceroy says, and I remove my hood, turning on my saber.

"Kenobi?" He asks, but is silence with the end of his pathetic life.

Everyone starts panicking, but before I even have to take another breath, they're all gone.

I do the same to everyone on this base.

Killing them all.

Just as my master wants.

I stop at a bridge, watching the work being done here.

Feeling a pain in my stomach, I bend over, holding my stomach in pain as I let out a sob.

"Anakin" I whisper, praying that he's okay.

He HAS to be okay.

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