Chapter 19; Trust Me

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-4 hours later-

"Okay, this is where the real trust comes in" I say, and he sighs.

"Do I have to wear a blindfold or some shit?" He asks, and I just laugh and hold up a blindfold.

He groans and puts it on, getting back into his position from earlier – feet up on dashboard, head back, resting on his hands that are folded behind his head.

I turn into one of the planets and land smoothly.

Senator Amidala already knew we were coming, and knew it was a surprise, so she had the tower not copy in so that Ani wouldn't know.

"Okay, follow me" I say, climbing out of the seat and grabbing his hand, leading him out of the ship and out to where I had the Senator set everything up.

I lead him down the empty hallways and eventually get to my old room, where everything is exactly how it was.

I slowly guide him to where we were when I told him I loved him, and slowly untie his blindfold.

He blinks a few times before looking around, noticing where we are.

"Anakin Skywalker, when I first saw you, I knew you were special. You're everything to me and always will be. Before I met you, I saw everything in black and white. But now, with you, I can finally see in colour. I live every day with fear that you will never forgive me for what I've done to you. I also live every day in regret for what I did to you. I relive that day every night and I can't help but think that I'll feel safer in your arms because you've always been my everything. You're my protector. And when we saw each other again that first night, and you asked why I brought my saber, I had to ask myself that same question because I knew that you would always protect me. You are my light, my dark, my sun, my moon, my night and day. You are anything and everything to me. Remember when we were here what feels like years ago? Remember our plan? Because I do. I remember accepting my feelings for you here, I remember making that plan with you here I remember taking the first step of that plan here. I remember... I remember how much you loved me and I still wonder if that's still there but honestly I don't know anymore because of what I did to you." I say, and I see a tear fall from his eye, my heart breaking.

I look at the clock, 6:00

We boarded the ship at 1:00

"Time's up, though." I say, sitting on the bed.

I hear him sigh then I feel the bed next to me dip from his weight.

"I love you" He says, and his lips are on mine in an instant.

Everything wrong with the past months, everything goes away because of one touch of Anakin.

One touch from my Anakin and everything is okay.

Almost, everything.

"Hannah" He says, breaking the kiss.

"Yeah?" I ask, and he reaches into his pocket.

"I think now is a good time to ask this question" He says, opening his hand to reveal a ring.

I look in his eyes and he smiles, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"You know, I've had this thing in my pocket for 5 months now, and every day it seemed to get heavier and heavier. I wanted to ask you the day you got back from that stupid mission... but I got too scared" He says, grabbing my hand.

"I need a yes or no" He says, mimicking me from earlier.

"Time starts now" I say, smiling as he lets out a small laugh, sliding the perfect ring onto my finger with ease.

"I love you" I say

"I know" He says, attaching his lips to mine.


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