Chapter 16; Wake Up

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Hannah's POV: (Out of Body)

"SHE WAS PREGNANT?" Dad yells, heading towards Anakin, the obvious father.

"KENOBI!" Master Windu yells, placing a hand on dad's shoulder.

"Did I kill it?" Dad asks, looking up.

Master Windu looks away in shame, and I let out a sob.

My baby's dead.

"It wouldn't of survived anyways. She was starving herself. The baby was slowly dying" Master Windu says, and Anakin's head snaps towards me.

"I need a minute" Dad says, walking out, tears pooling his eyes.

Master Windu nods at me, then leaves the sight, leaving me alone with Anakin.

He can't hear or see me now.

"Please come back to me" Anakin says, sitting next to me.

I grab his hand, but now he's unresponsive.

"I don't know where you are, or if you can even hear me anymore." Anakin says, putting his head in his legs.

"But, if you can. Please come back to me. You're my world. When I caught you... I almost dropped you I was so happy. I couldn't breathe. But, when I saw the blood..." He trails off, then stands up, going to my body.

I follow him and gasp as he lifts up my hospital shirt, exposing the white gauze.

"This is my fault" He says, and I almost scream in frustration.

"It's not your fault" I say, the same time Obi-Won does.

We both turn and see dad standing by the door, more composed.

I walk out the door, leaving them alone, and find Master Windu.

"Follow me" He says, back in the sight.

I follow him to a room with Yoda.

"Afraid, be not" Yoda says, motioning for me to sit.

"You both can see me?" I ask, and they both nod.

I look down in shame and Yoda walks across the table to me.

"Ashamed, be not" Yoda says, making me look up.

"Sad, be not" He says.

"What am I supposed to be?" I ask.

"Proud" Master Windu says, and I look at him in confusion.

"You beat the dark side. Like I said earlier, you're the only one who was defeated the lust. You haven't killed anyone. Chancellor Palpatine has. Not you. You're innocent." Master Windu says, and more Jedi Masters walk in.

"How are you guys not in there stabbing me with your sabers? I almost killed you all!" I yell, and one of them smiles and places their hand on my shoulder.

"But you didn't" They say, and I look back at Master Windu.

"Is anything going to change?" I ask, and he chuckles.

"Everything's going to change" He says, and I sigh.

"For the good" He says, sitting across from me.

"Jedi will have more freedom. To love, to reproduce, to relax. The force is stronger now, and balanced. More and more people are being born with the knowledge of the force. It is now balanced. Hannah, you are the chosen one! You did what you were meant to do! True, not in the way we hoped, but it was still done." Master Windu says, and I almost smile.

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