Trouble at Nandos?

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Jesy's P.O.V

I got a text from Perrie telling Leigh Anne an I to meet them at Nandos. We got there before they did. So Leigh Anne an I are all alone at a big table for 10 people.

"They should be here any minute." Leigh Anne said.

"Oh I see Bradey coming over to use." I pointed at Bradey.

"Hey Jesy, Leigh Anne. Bye Jesy and Leigh Anne." Bradey said running past us at the table.

"Is he alright Jade?" Leigh Anne asked.

"Yep, he's fine."

"So how did he do with meeting the guys?" I asked.

"He stole Zayn from Perrie." Jade giggled.

"Laugh all you want. A little boy is stealing Zayn." Perrie laughed at her second sentence.

"Hey girls." Zayn smiled as the guys came to the table.

"Where is my man?" Niall asked.

Jade's P.O.V

"Where is my man?" Niall asked.

"I think he went to the loo." I said.

"Ah. Oh Jade, Bradey is a beast at basketball. You should sign him up for it." Niall said.

"I don't know Niall. If he wants to then sure." Honestly I didn't know how I felt about him with sports. Te main reason is that since mine and the girls career is bound to take off he would have to quit it. An I couldn't do that to him. But if it's what Bradey wants to do.

Bradey's P.O.V

I had gone to the loo, that's why I said a quick hi and good bye to Jesy and Leigh Anne. When I was wading back to the table, I saw a face that looked familiar to me. It was some lady and a teenage boy. The boy looked like Drew. An the lady looked like Joslin. My biological mom. How am I gonna get by without them noticing me? I wish I had a phone of my own to call Niall or mommy.

'Okay Bradey just keep your back straight and don't make eye contact with them. An keep on walking. Quietly though.' I said to myself.

So I did what I told myself to do. I kept on walking. Until I heard someone call my name."Bradey!" The boy yelled.

I wanted to look at the boy. But I couldn't. I started to sprint to mommy and the others.

Then the two people I saw started chasing me. Why are yet chasing me? Oh damn it is Drew and Joslin. I need help. But where do I go? "Mommy! Niall! Zayn! Perrie! Jesy! Leigh Anne!"

Jade's P.O.V

"Mommy! Niall! Zayn! Perrie! Jesy! Leigh Anne!" I heard Bradey yell.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Let's go find him." Perrie said. I nodded. All of us left the table to look for Bradey. This was freaking me out. Because they way e was screaming was a sign that something is wrong.

"Jade I found him!" Zayn yelled.

Zayn's P.O.V

When I found Bradey being carried by another women. This confused me so much. "Ma'am give me back m friends child."

"I think you have the wrong child lad." She snapped.

"Give me the boy." I grumbled.

"Don't Zayn. This is Joslin." Bradey huffed.

"Bradey, buddy let me help you out. Your mum will be over here in a minute." Right when I said that 'Joslin' start walking away. Then Jade ran over to me.

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