Birthday trip

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Jade's P.O.V

Today we are leaving for the trip with Bradey, the girls, an the one direction boys. Sadly Sam couldn't make it because of his tour that is coming up fairly quick. We haven't really talked with Bradey about it yet. But were going to have to really soon. As of right now we are on the plane. Perrie and I are next to each other an I have Bradey on my lap. He is sleeping at the moment.

"I'm surprised at how well Bradey is doing with being away from Sam. They have been hanging out a lot ever since Sam signed the papers to be Bradey's dad." Perrie whispered to me.

"Yeah same here. I'm just happy that they are getting along with each other."

"Just imagine Bradey and Sam's brother Mitchell hanging out togehter. That would be a sight to see." Perrie giggled.

"Yes it would. But were gonna wait to introduce Bradey to Sam's family. Just so Bradey can get used to Sam being around more."

"Trust me I think that he is used to it. Sam and Bradey have been bonding with the Scooby Doo videos that Jesy gave Bradey."

"I know. But since you have been hanging around with Zayn I told the boys to start watching the movies in Bradey's room."

"Oh is poopey getting tired of watching the mystery's of scooby doo?"

"You can only watch it so many times though."

"I get it. Honestly I still can't believe that Bradey is allowing Sam to be his dad."

"I was shocked at first to. But it all fell into place eventually. And I couldn't be any happier because of it." I smiled planting a small kiss on Bradey's head. Honestly I can't wait to meet some of his real family members. It will be pretty cool. I bet that Bradey is buzzing about this.

Jesy's P.O.V

This plane right is taking a long time. I'm so bored. Yet I'm excited. Not just because I get to see where Bradey came from but to meet some important people to him. It would be totally cool if he know's some people who like Little Mix. Wouldn't it?

----------After plane ride---

Bradey's P.O.V

We finally got to Michigan. I love it. I missed it so much. An the best part is that it is a Thursday night which means big brother baby. But American big brother. The Big brother that I wish to go on. Oh how I missed some of the food that Michigan has. Like Fruity Pebbles. It's just sugary. That's alright with me though. I love sugary things. Well who wouldn't right?

"So where to first buddy?" Mom asked. I got to thinking for a minute until I knew where we should go. Grandma Jenkins. Or as some people call her Cookie Grandma. She always has cookies there. So that lead to her being Cookie Grandma. (True story)

"I know but I need your phone real fast." I said.

"What for?" She asked.

"To make sure that they are home." I said matter-of-factly. Mom just nodded an handed me her phone. I dialed up the number.


"Hey it's me Bradey." I said through a huge smile.

"Bradey Gateman?"

"That's me. But not it's Thirlwall."

"Interesting. How have you been?"

"Good, well were in town with my aunts, and there friends from One Direction."

"Do you wanna stop by. We got freshly baked cookies over here. An your uncle Mike is over here with his kids, new wife and step-kids."

"Sound's great. Bye love you." I said before I hung up the phone. "Alright there home. An you get to meet some more people over there as well. So let's get going. There are cookies over there." I wiggled my eye brows. Then we went off to my grandma's house I can't wait to see her an Mike.

Niall's P.O.V

Apparetly we are going to go to some person that Bradey knows, an there are cookies there. That's so cool. It was really cool that they let us and the lads come along with them for this trip.

Leigh Anne's P.O.V

Once we got to this mystery place that Bradey is making us go to, I saw a house that was near loads of trees. Not to mention the woods. Lot's of trees and wooded areas. This should be interesting.

Bradey's P.O.V

We walked up the drive way an I checked the backyard to see anyone was back there. An Mike and Heather were in the backyard. So I ran off to jump on Mike's back because he was setting up a net ball thing. Then everyone came running after me.

"Bradey Nicholas." Mom huffed out of breathe. It's a big yard.But it's a lot of fun.

"Hey uncle Mike!" I shouted jumping on his back.

"Bradey where did you come from?" Mike asked.


"That's quite a ways away." He chuckled.

"Yeah I know it."

"Hey dad who screamed?" Heather asked Mike.

"That would be me." I smirked.

"It's Bradey. How ya doin kiddo?" She asked. Heather is Mike's daughter. Along with Ashley.

"Pretty well. Oh uh this is my new family."

"Is that one direction and Little Mix?" Ashley asked walking over to us.

"Uh yeah they are. How'd you know Ashley?" I asked.

"Conner and Reese, are fans of em." She explained.

"Way cool." I smiled.

"Hey little dude who are these people?" Zayn asked.

"This is my uncle Mike. If you shake his had he talks funny." I said looking at Mike. "This is Heather and Ashley. And they are Mike's daughters." Heather had brown hair. Ashley had blonde hair.

"Hi nice you meet you three." Mom smiled picking me up.

"So Mike you still golfing?" I asked him.

"Yeah I am. What about you ey?"

"Nope I quit once I was up in London."

"Of coarse you did." Mike chuckled. The others besides Heather and Ashley were looking at me and Mike weird. They probably don't understand.

Harry's P.O.V

That Heather girl is so beautiful with her dark brown hair, gentally flowing down to her back. Not to mention her beautiful face. This girl is totally beyond beautiful. Honestly I think I'm starting to crush on this girl. Ashley seems like she has a boyfriend. But I'm not too sure about that. "Hi I'm Harry." I said to Heather.

"Yes I know my step sister loves one direction." She smiled.

"I'm glad. What about you? Do you like one direction?"

"Yeah I do."

"Who do you have a soft spot for?"

"It's actually you." She blushed. Aw I got her to blush. "But Reese called dibs so I can't act on it." She giggled. Gosh her giggle is so cute.

"Ah you gotta respect the dibs." I laughed with her.

Jade's P.O.V

We are all in the backyard talking. Bradey is getting antsy right now. I wonder why? "You alright bud?" I asked him.

"Uh yeah. I'm fine. Oh hey it's Blacky." He said pointing to the cat that was walking towards us.

"It's a cat." Harry squealed. He likes cats.

"There are more cat's inside. But Blacky is the one that bites more so don't make him mad." Bradey warned. That's when the cat bit Harry. "What did I tell you Harry?"

"It's not my fault. I just wanted to hold the dang cat."

"Then the cat you want is C.J. he is nicer. But he is inside though. Blacky is the outdoor cat."

"Interesting." Harry said. These boys I tell ya.

Perrie's P.O.V

So we have sat out her for about 30 minutes just talking to Mike, Ashley, and Heather. Well Bradey left to go inside for a while. We are learning so much about Bradey's real family. Like how Mike was in the navy. An that Bradey is related to a bunch of people in the armed forces. Also Bradey has a aunt that is a new singer here in the states.

Bradey's P.O.V

Right now I am hanging out with Conner and Reese. I have no clue what we are playing but whatever. Then I found one of my old toys that I kept over here for when I came over. It's something Liam would like. It's a batman action figure. I have more action figures here but this one I know that Liam would just love. "I'll be right back." I said to Conner and Reese. They just nodded. Then I went to go find Liam.

"Bradey!" My Grandpa shouted walking into the house.

"Grandpa!" I shouted back.

"I've missed my little grandson around here."

"I missed you guys too." I smiled.

"But how did you get here?"

"My new family."

"Are they here?"

"Yeah they're all on the porch talking an getting to know one another."

"Why aren't you out there with them?"

"I'm chilling with Conner and Reese."

"Ah, they're nice kids aren't they?"

"Yeah they are." I smiled walking with my Grandpa out to the porch. I still have the batman action figure in my back pocket. Shh it's a surprise for Liam.

"Hey bud, you being good?" Mom asked.

"Yeah I am. Where is Liam?" I asked.

"He is talking with Ashley and Mike's wife Tracie." Niall said.

"Thank Niall. I got somethin for him." I said walking over to Ashley, Liam, and Tracie. "Hey Liam." I said.

"Bradey how's it going?" He asked.

"I got something for ya." I smiled.

"Something for me?" He smiled. "What is it?"

"I found a batman." I showed him the action figure that I had in my back pocket.

"It's beautiful." He smiled taking it from my small 7 year old hands.

Liam's P.O.V

I was talking to Tracie, Mike's wife, and Ashley. They are pretty sweet people. An genuine. Plus they don't care if I'm famous or not. They care about me as a real live person.

"So Liam what's it like going on tour an things like that?" Tracie asked.

"It's metal you know. Honestly it's not all no work more play. It's truly hard work then play. But we still mess around sometimes."

"I couldn't imagine being on the road as much as you boys are."

"Well the girls tour as well. But I don't think that they have toured with Bradey yet. However Bradey did see some of there shows though."

"Wow that must be tough for him to share the girls and you boys with the rest of the world." Ashley cooed.

"He seems to be adjusting quite well with the girls actually. I've only seen him a few times with the lads. But don't worry he had a father influence now."

"Oh are you his father?" Tracie asked.

"No, no that's not me. His father's name is Sam. Unfortunately Sam couldn't come along with us. He had to stay back for his career."

"An what does this Sam guy do exactly?" She asked again.

"Ugh I'm not sure you'll have to ask Jade. She knows Sam better than I do." I explained. Then I heard Bradey say my name so I turned my attention to the small seven year old boy. He said that he had something for me. What could it be? Bradey handed me a batman action figure. It was so cool. "It's beautiful." I cooed.

"I know how much you like batman. An it's mine from when I used to come over here all the time. So I want you to have it." He smiled, I smiled back at hime.

"Thank you Bradey. This was very kind of you."

"So you like it?" He smiled. I nodded.

"Yes I do. An don't worry I will always be your very special batman." I smiled at him. Bradey then hugged me. I wasn't expecting that at all. But I eased into the hug. Bradey's hugs are rare for me and the lads. But not so rare for the girls. That makes me wonder.

"An I can be your superman Liam." He smiled.

"Sounds like a deal Bradey." I said puting him back down onto the bright freshly cut grass.

"Wanna come play with us Liam?"

"Sure but why don't you steal Zayn from Perrie again as well." I suggested. Bradey nodded.

Perrie's P.O.V

I was having a wonderful talking with Bradey's family. We got to talk with his grandmum, grandpa, uncle Mike, and his cousin Heather. Honestly I think Harry and Heather really hit it off with one another. But I'm not too sure on how things will go with the both of them.

Zayn's P.O.V

I noticed that Bradey was coming up to Perrie and I since we were both sitting next to one another. What could Bradey need.

"Zayn." Bradey said tapping my shoulder.

"What's up little man?" I asked with a small cheeky smile.

"Liam wants you to play action figures with us."

"Oh uh I don't know Bradey I don't play with action figures."

"Please, you'll hurt Liam's feelings." He begged.

"Uh." I looked at Perrie she just nodded at me. "Alright let's go." I said getting out of the green plastic chair that I was in. Then Liam, Bradey, and I went inside to play with action figures.


Bradey's P.O.V

I just woke up an I was in the day room. It has a bed in there. To be honest I like the room with the big king sized bed better. It's warmer than this one but the girls are in that room. So I got stuck in here with Zayn. I stole him again. Liam was in the other guest room it only has a twin sized bed. The other's were in the basement. It's very cold down there but they insisted. Downstairs there are lots of stamps, toys, puppets, clown things.

So I got up and went to the main floor an I saw that my granddad was in the kitchen making food. He was making pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, and toast. My granddad loves cooking and or baking. Almost everytime that I'm here I end up eating pancakes. Not that I'm complaining.

"Morning Bradey." He smiled noticing my presents.

"Hey." I said I'm still somewhat tired. Did you know that Zayn sounds like a truck driver when he snors? Well he does. It's funny when your wide wake. But not funny when you are trying to sleep.

"Happy birthday." Grandpa said.

"Thank you."

"So you are now 70?" He chuckled quietly, as did I.

"No I'm 8 now."

"Your getting old."

"Hey I am not." I smiled. Me and my grandpa like to tease each other all the time. It's pretty funny. Sometimes. Other times it gets too far. But not today.

"Now you have to stay 8 for the rest of your life." Grandpa ordered.

"I'm good with that. Then I'll have my mom and Sam to take care of me."

"Who is Sam?"

"My new dad."

"Oh why didn't he come with you guys?"

"He really wanted to but he had rehearsals with his dance crew. So he couldn't come."

"Alright, maybe next time I can meet him ey?"

"I hope so. Sam's a really cool guy. I love him."

"That's a good thing that you like him. Now wanna help me with breakfast?"

"Yeah sure."

"Great now should we make a fruity pebbles pancake with frosting on it just for you?" (If you don't know what fruity pebbles are they are a cereal in the US)

"Yeah we should."

----After a small frosting fight an cooking---

"Alright foods done. Wanna go wake everyone?"

"Yeah I can do the fry pan thing?"

"Go for it. You remember where they are?"

"Sure do." I grabbed two frying pans and when to the basement. Once down there I banged the pans together.

"What the bloody hell?" Niall questioned in is raspy morning voice.

"Come on Niall I cooked."

"You cooked?" Louis asked.

"Why you so surprised?"

"I'm not I'm just shocked."

"Did you not see the frosting in my hair?" I chuckled.

"Man Jade is gonna question that." Niall chuckled. Then we were out of the basement an I went to get Zayn.

"Get your mirror broke last night."

"What?" He screeched.

"Calm down it was a joke." I laughed.

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