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MH and Shulk: (crying)

Alyysa: It'll be alright.

Dead Silence

Roy: (hums Ghostbusters theme song.)

Lucina: Idiot.

Phone: Ring Ring.

MH: Yeah...He is...Ok. ROY! STAND AT THE DOOR!

Show starts.

Alyysa: Hello, everyone. Today we ha-

Kayley: (comes in through door) Hey guy... Why is everyone sad?

Alyysa: Alyysa died.

Kayley: You're right there.*people speaking in third person are creepy*

Alyysa: I'm Johany.

Kayley: Oh (starts crying) I CAN'T DO THIS!! (splits in two)

Chrom runs in and starts slashing at Roy. Robin flies in and shoots Roy with spells. They deal the final blow together.

Roy: Owwies

Alyysa: Thanks. So was that your final smash?

Robin: Yeah

Alyysa: Who is your worst enemy?

Robin: Marth

Lucina: Tee hee

Alyysa: Are you annoyed by the fact that your fanbase ships you and Lucina even though she ready has a boyfriend?!!

Robin: I hate it. The Lucina in Riley's show is obssessed over me.

Alyysa: What is your main weapon?

Marth: DONT ANSWER THAT! (dun dun dun)


Marth: Yes. I. Do.

Robin: Nosferatu.

Marth almost died

Ness: Dacter Mayro!

Heals Marth

Roy: Woo-hoo

Robin: Thank you. Can I ask you a question, Pit?

Pit: Sure.

Robin: How come you didn't make a big entrance?

Pit: I was already summoned when Roy killed Alyysa.

Alyysa: So, what is your relationship with Raven?

Roy: She used to be my sister before some accident caused us to fuse.

Popo: Cool

Kay and Lee: My and my sister fuse too!

Show ends

Allysa: Next up is a dare!

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