Backstories: Alyssa

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This chapter will pretty much explain the backstories of the OC characters, Alyysa, Johany, Kayley, Luis, Cory, Rose, and Cylen.

Roy: So, how did you get your PK powers?

Ness: ...

Shulk: Wait, how about the OCs? How did they appear?

Link: Wait, now that you mention it, we dont know about their past!

Ness, Nana, and Popo: TELL US!!

Alyysa: Fine, we'll tell. I go first.

The rest is just Alyysa speaking

So, about 1000 years ago, Master Hand fell in love with this lady named Fagora. They married (MH had to shapeshift into a normal dude) and had a child, a hand. It looked really weird. So, the child (me) didn't age like normal humans, meaning that I witnessed my mother's death at a young YOUNG age. So me and dad just hyng around until I was about 267 years old, when he started training me. I had to protect my tribe here. However, after one battle, an evil mage came to kill everyone. I tried battling him, but he ultimately defeated me by transforming me into a human girl. I did NOT know anything about being human, so I couldn't fight him. He killed everyone except my dad and my uncle. I wasted 26 whole years of my life adjusting to a human life. By now its about 2004 or somethin like that. So i have to go to different schools every year because, who'll imagine a 10 year old in college? Well, I would look like that at the time. So, about 2 years ago, I'm carrying my work, I look like a 13 year old now, so I just bump into this kid. He says sorry, and his arms turn into a broom and sweeper, picks up my stuff, and walks away. Then, I knew, he wasn't a normal human. Last year, in my new school,I saw the kid again. His name was Johany, and he normally hung around other notnormal kids, Cory, and Kayley. So, two days before his birthday, this Phillipino girl  walks up to him, and gives him a pizza. I could tell she wasn't normal either. They talk to each other, and turns out she wasn't normal. When my dad decided to host the ssb4 interviews, like he did to ssbm and ssbb before,I decidedto invite them. End of story.

Ness: Coooool

Lucina: How about you, Johany?

Johany:  Well...

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