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Everyone: o_o

Alyysa: what just happened

Sonic: idk

Roy: well anyway its almost show time so-

Everyone: NOOOOO

Show Starts

Roy: Hey everyone! Welcome back to SSB TALK SHOW!

Audience: *strong applause and screams*

Roy: Today we got the cutest mouse on Earth-

Mickey Mouse: Me!

Kayley: No. Screw off.


*Red starts making this really ridiculous dance. When he's done, a ball of lightning jumps into his arms. He throws it up, and it charges towards Roy. The lighting decreases, and Pikachu is shown*

Pikachu: Chu! (That, was my new Z move.)

Roy: It was painful...

Pikachu: Pika pi! (Then I did my job well)

Roy: So, how do you feel being back in Smash?

Pikachu: Pika pika! (REALLY HAPPY)

Every girl: AWW ITS TOO CUTE *faints*

Cory: Drat. Now all the girls fainted.

Sonic: Oh well.

Pikachu: Pika (Hold on, give me a marker)

Johany: *hands Pikachu a marker*

Pikachu: * draws two circles around Alyysa's eyes, and a retarded mustache*

Luis: Ooooh, MH is gonna be pissed.

Roy: Anyway, can you be used as a battery?

Pikachu: Pi... (I guess...)

Roy: *grabs Pikachu by the tail, and sticks one end of his phone charger in his ass, the other in his own phone, then proceeds to play Flappy Chu*

Megaman: We can't work like this.

Cory: *knocks Roy out* Johany, shapeshift into an interviewer.

Johany: No thanks, I'll interview as myself. So, Pika, how do feel about Ash actually trying to do somwthing useful with you, instead of just using you for battles? Imho, you seserve a better trainer.

Pikachu: Chu... (I know...) Pika pika! (But now I get a Pikalium Z, so that's up.)

Johany: So, do you have siblings?

Pikachu: Ka, Pi chu! (Hey, Pichu!)

Pichu: PI! *runs towards Pikachu, and hugs him*

Remaining Audience: Awww...

Johany: Last question...Do you approve if Pokemon + and -?

Pikachu: Pika! (As long as you make me cool in it, sure)

Johany: Now, let's g- Oh no.

(The girls start waking up)

Commercial Break

Luis: If you value your life, run Pikachu!

(Every boy runs away)

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