Story 1- The Untrustworthy Kind

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I watched the ocean waves roll over the open ocean out the chopper window. Every once in a while a pelican or a seagull would pass under us. My gaze soon turned to the horizon as I watched for the island to appear.
"We should be able to see the island in a few minuets sir," the co-pilot said.
I nodded my head and turned my attention back to the waters below. I took a deep breath and really thought about what was happening. Me, just another person in this wide world, I was about to take the reigns over for an island full of dinosaurs. A general manager to oversee park operations. What did I ever do to deserve such a position?
The island appeared on the horizon, a smudge of green above a floor of blue. We drew closer and the beautiful array of vegetation really caught me eye. So much green everywhere. A nearly untouched landscape of nature. We turned inland towards the actual park. It was clearly unfinished in every sense of the word. The Visitor Center looked done, but every shop and store on the road in front of it was still being built. Not a single one had a finished roof. A large hole sat right down Main Street from the Visitor Center. It was lined with electrical fencing that had yet to activated and a half circle of bleachers on one end. Other buildings around the park were still being built as well. Behind the Visitor Center was a half finished cage, this seemed to be where most of the workers were. There were an abundance of vehicles carrying the building materials to the construction site.
The chopper continued towards a building on the mountain side. It was equipped with a helipad and seemed rather small for a building in the park. There had to be more to the building that was just built into the mountain so something otherwise they'd have no need for a helipad on the roof.
As we came closer I could see two people waiting for the helicopter. A man in a grey suit and a woman whose face was buried in her tablet.
We landed and as soon as I stepped out the Man started to speak.
"You're the new park manager correct?"
The helicopter began to take off again, the sound of the whirring blades was deafening. I waited for the chopper to take off before I said anything.
"Yes that's right."
"Wonderful. I'm Simon Masarani, owner of this fine island. You know the deal right? You're to watch over my park to ensure it's success since I've got other businesses to take care of. The success of this park will be riding on your shoulders."
"What do I need to do? What's my range of responsibilities?"
"Claire here will handle the finances for you, if you have any questions about that speak to her," he said whole gesturing to the woman who hadn't taken her eyes off her tablet since he saw her.
"Not a people person I take it?"
"Unlike you I have a lot of work to do, sorry about if I'm too busy doing my job," she said sarcastically.
"Well alright then."
"You'll just have to deal with her, she's the only person I could find that had the talent to take this job that was willing to live on this island. Not a lot of people like the idea of setting up shop on an island of man eating animals."
"Go figure."
"Anyways, Owen Grady is your animal handler, Doctor Wu is your Chief Scientist, Vic Hoskins is Head of Security, Lowery Cruthers is the IT guy you need to know, and that's about it. You got that?"
"How am I suppose to contact them?"
"Claire will give you their information once I finish up here. I still have some business to attend to and I'll need her with me."
"Then what do I do in the meantime?"
"Take a Jeep out and get to know the park layout. Maybe meet some of the staff and introduce yourself."
I nod my head and he turns on his heel to walk away.
"Claire, give me quick run down."
"Yes, sir."
The two disappear within the building.
"Maybe I should've asked where the jeeps are..." I say while standing awkwardly on the helipad not knowing where to go. I examine my surroundings and see that there's a dirt trail leading onto the helipad, there are tire tracks worn into the dirt.
"Maybe they're down that trail," I whisper to myself. I turn back at the building trying to decided which way to go. Since I couldn't make out any Jeep stations along the building while overhead I decided to walk off into the jungle, hoping to find a Jeep station of some sort.

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