4- The Park is Opening... Soon

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We spent that week playing Apex to pass the time. Claire would "grudgingly" join us, but I knew she enjoyed taking the time off to do something fun. Eventually I pulled out a thousand dollars from my account, as owning the park pretty much made you a millionaire in a month, for the purpose of hosting a small Apex tournament. The thousand dollars was a cash prize for whoever was last standing.
Owen won the cash and kept rubbing it in Claire's face until she smacked him.
Eventually one day after we finished a game my phone went off and I had received a mesas from Dr. Wu.

Wu - She's Ready

I told Owen while already running to his motorcycle. He cleans up real fast and then hops on his motorcycle. He drives off towards the Evolution Lab.
We arrive and I run into the building to the secret hallway. Owen rushes to keep up. I wait to make sure we aren't being followed and I punch in the code and the panel opens.
We run in and Dr. Wu looks a little shocked.
"Well you two got here quickly," he said.
"Where is she?" I ask politely through heavy breaths.
He motions for us to follow him and we do. We walk past the people in their sterilized rooms and Owen recognizes one group of workers who immediately close the window when they see him.
He leads us to a large glass cylinder where inside sits a baby Leedsythicus.
"When will it be ready?"
"She could be put in an exhibit already."
"Perfect. It's time to put this project into high gear. Call up the volunteers, have them collect and categorize every sample they can get. We're going to make this park twice as good as before."
"Yes sir," Wu says.
"Let's get to work Owen. I want you in charge of cage designs. Make sure every one of these fish has a wonderful exhibit."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm joining the sample collection team."
He nods his head and we both exit. He takes me over to the docks where we part ways and begin to work. He goes off to meet a group of engineers while I board a blue submarine and submerge. This will be our biggest attraction yet. Jurassic World: Aquatic Paradise.

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