14- Cenozoic Park

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I spent months working on Outlier and Rexy. Outlier was making great strides in becoming part of the dinosaur team, but Rexy was still proving an issue. It was about 3 months into the training when Emily wanted to see me.
I step into her office room where she was looking over some papers in a leather back binder.
"I have a project I think you'd like to hear about."
"Okay... spit it out."
"I want to open a Cenozoic Park or at least a section of this island themed for Cenozoic creatures."
"You're serious?! I thought you didn't like the sea expansion I made, now you want..." she interrupted me.
"I loved the aquatic section idea, but I didn't like you hiding all the resources and costs from me. I need to know what goes down on this island. I'm sure you understand that."
"Well then what are you planing?"
"The northern section..."
"That's off limits."
"That's where I train my dinosaurs."
"I'm sure we can section off some of the park and restricted area to create a small Cenozoic park."
"I don't like the idea, what if something goes wrong in training? The reason why we have that area to train is that it's so far off from the main attractions."
"This will happen, you and me both know that this would make a lot of money for us. Not to mention that guests would love to see some Ice Age animals."
"Some would like to see some Carboniferous creatures as well you know."
"Yeah, a future plan is the bug house where we could satisfy those desires."
"Wow, you really want to add all this to the park? We have a hard time keeping the dinosaurs under control, now you're throwing in 2 more eras of animals?"
"Yes, we'll hire more staff to compensate obviously."
I sigh and say, "If you're going to cut out a section of my training territory then show me where. I have to sign off on it."
She pulls out a whiteboard with a map of the island in it's current state and slides a sheet of plastic with an outline labeled 'Cenozoic Park' over a north eastern section of the island."
"That should work just fine. I'll just move my practice a little more west."
"I'm glad we could agree on this, I was afraid you'd try to have me move the land or try to deny it entirely."
"No, you're good."
"Wonderful, I'll alert the construction workers and I guess you can do whatever it is you want to."
I decided it was best if I supervised the workers to ensure construction went as smoothly as possible.

It was a good 7 months until any of the cages were usable, the actual visitor part of the park consisted of bathrooms and water fountains for the construction workers. As I helped finalize the savannah areas Emily came up to me.
"I just got a call from the guy I ordered our first Cenozoic creatures from. He says that they're all ready for transport. We just need to head down there and do a little inspection, sign off, and they'll have the transportation choppers ready to go."
"Sweet, I'll head down there myself and get that all wrapped up."
"Yeah, what's the issue?"
"You... doing paperwork."
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
"Can you even write your own name anymore?"
she said sarcastically.
"Oh ha ha, I can deal with it. You don't trust me?"
"Nope, you're about as responsable as the average high school student."
"That is being totally unfair to those high school students."
She laughs and then says, "In all seriousness, I'm sure you'll be fine as well.
I was just messing with you."
"How long do I have?"
"A week."
"Alright, I'll be ready."

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