15- Alaskan Research Facility

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A week later I was loading my luggage onto the plane. It wasn't much, but I always pack extra just in case. As I shut the compartment and get on the stairs to board I see Emily walking towards the plane.
"What're you doing here?"
"I decided that even if I knew you could handle the paperwork not only is that MY job, but you would probably get incredibly irritated. Might as well handle it myself, it won't cost any extra for me to come along anyway."
"Alright, if that's what you want."
She loads her luggage and boards the plane with me. We spent the ride conversing, eating, and sleeping before we landed in Alaska.
As we stepped off a man bearing the 'Masarani Global' logo on a parka came to greet us. He had to scream above the howling winds and constant snow fall.
"You must be the two park managers right?"
"That's us."
"Masarani asked me to give you this," he pointed at a large off road vehicle that could seat 4 people. It had an insulated interior and a great heating system.
"Give our thanks to him," I yell.
The man gave a thumbs up before running back inside a building from which he came.
We sat inside the vehicle and both let out a sigh of relief. I switched on the heater and seat warmer; we waited for the truck to heat up before we set off.
"How do you want to do this?" I ask.
"What do you mean?"
"We never really decided how to switch off with who's driving."
"Couldn't you do it all?"
"It's already a 3 day trip when we drive all day, if I'm the only one to drive it's going to be like 6 days."
"I'm just afraid that I'll crash."
"And what do you think I am? I never drive in snowy weather, I'm absolutely terrified of crashing right now."
"Fine, I'll drive for half the trip."
"Thank you."
The next 3 days were filled with silence; as one person drove another slept. The whole time we were guided by the GPS on my phone, but the snow storm was getting worse by the day. Finally at the near end of day 3 I woke Emily up as the fog light illuminated a parking lot with some cars and eventually a building. It was very oddly shaped and was entirely white.
"We're here?" Emily said while rubbing her eyes.
I parked and we both braced ourselves for the cold outside. We had to shove open our doors against the extreme wind blowing in every direction. The both of us darted to the front door and slammed it once we got in. The lights were on, so was the heating system, but it was deadly quiet.
"What, shouldn't someone be here to great us?" I ask.
"I don't know."
We searched around the hallways until we found a corpse. I ran up and checked the wounds... smilodon canine bite mark.
"Seems like a Smilodon got out... but there's no way just one Smilodon could take out a facility that's equipped to deal with these animals."
"When one escapes the rest usually follow."
"That's only true if some machinery or something is damaged during an attack, we'd have to find the master control room to be sure. That's still leaves the question of how the Smilodon got out though. Judging by the marks he was attacked from behind, with no signs of struggle this was an ambush. He was killed before he even knew it escaped."
"Let's find it's holding pen and see if that can give us some clues."
We wandered around the first floor, not seeing any of the animals until we stumbled upon a Kelenken cage. As we approached the door we noticed that the room it was being kept in was actually decently large, enough room for the creature to run around in. The doors were also sized to let the animal walk outside the exhibit should they be opened. As we got to the large half open metal door the keypad on the wall caught my attention. I walked over to it.
"Hmm... computerized keypad..."
"If I'm correct they could have a log of when this thing is in use on one of the computers in the building. It might be too obvious, but someone could've just opened the doors and sabotaged the whole operation."
"Why would anyone do that?"
"Hoskins could be involved."
"I highly doubt he'd know anything about the deal I set up."
"You never know with that man."
The two entered the room where the Kelenken was kept and it was clear that it hadn't been here in a while. I examined the bedding while Emily examined the room on a broader scope.
As I was working my ears picked up on something, clacking. Like claws against tile.
With a burst of speed the Kelenken ran into the room and stopped just in front of the door. The doors snapped shut and scared the Kelenken who went into attack mode.
It ran at Emily who screamed and ran. Of course the Kelenken was way faster than her, but as it was to clamp down I tackled Emily out of the bird's path. The Kelenken tripped. It slipped as it tried to get back up.
"Stay hidden," I tell her before I go out to confront the beast. It shook off the crash and ruffled its feathers in anger. It screeched at me and charged. It attempted to bite me missing by mere centimeters, then shoved he backwards by ramming me. Before I could recover it ran quickly at me and jumped into the air. Using its large feet he kicked me in the stomach and sent me flying through the one way mirror behind me. It shattered as I made impact and I went crashing to the floor. The glass cut up my arms pretty bad.
The bird squawked and began to search for Emily. It pulled myself up and saw that on the desk in front of me was a metallic briefcase. I opened it out of curiosity and found a bolt action hand tranquilizer. The darts, being held by bands of a rubbery substance, were all labeled with the word 'Kelenken'.
I loaded a dart and jumped over the broken glass into the room. The Kelenken still hadn't found Emily and turned to face me. He screeched, ruffled his feathers, and charged at me. I took aim, carefully lining up the shot, and pulled the trigger. A soft sound came from the tranquilizer and the dart hit dead in the center of the bird's chest. Immediately I dove sideways to avoid the Kelenken and it tripped once more. As it tried to get up it repeatedly stumbled, looking more tired with every attempt. Eventually after managing to stand up fully he fell over and was out cold.

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