10- Hybird Buisness

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I leave the arena and prepare to board the helicopter when I remember that I haven't seen Owen since we got off the chopper. I begin to look around and one of the gunmen asks me.
"Where's your friend"
"I'd ask the same question to you" I respond
He gets more angry and starts shouting at the other gunmen who go looking for him.
I start looking around and see Hoskins on a phone call and that's when I see Owen. He waved at me when no one was looking. He was listening in on the conversation. Once Hoskins was done the gunmen informed him of what was going on. Owen was gone now. Then he walks out of the jungle behind me.
"Hey! What were you doing back there" one of the gunmen shouted at him.
"What? Can't take a leak when I need to?"
"Just get on the chopper"
Owen boards the chopper and sits next to me without saying a word. As we take of Hoskins watches us from below. He didn't board the chopper like us.
We stayed quiet during the ride back avoiding eye contact with any of the gunmen. They dropped us off and then flew off.
"What did you hear" I say after we leave the building and get on the bike.
"He's working on something. He didn't use Proper nouns either, he didn't want anybody to know what it is"
"What do you know"
"It's going to change the name of the game significantly" he says then we rocket off towards the lab.
After almost everyone left for the day at the lab I went to a wall panel like any other.
"Is anyone nearby" I ask the security team through a walkie talkie
They check the cameras and send a message back saying "You're the only one in the building"
I tap out the secret knock and a keypad emerges from the wall. I enter the code [9889] and the panel opens. I shut it behind me and walk down the stairs.
Wu greets me "We're currently at about 76.47% with the genome sequence completion"
"That's good to hear" I say "more than 3/4 of the way there"
"It'll slow down as we look for the last pieces since we are only able to get what's left in the bone. The last piece will be the biggest pain"
"Well it's what I'm paying you for. You're doing a good job so don't worry about it, just have it ready in a couple of months"
"I'll do my best as I cannot make that kind of promise"
"Your best is all I ask" I finish and then head back up stairs and check with the guards before leaving.
I get woken by Owen.
"What the hell are you doing in my room! Also how'd you get in? The door was locked"
"I just borrowed a key from one of he cleaning staff. Also it's Hoskins, he's... well he's done something stupid."
"Wait... What?"
"You've got to see it"
"I have to get ready"
"Yeah, your breath stinks. I'll be waiting for you so don't take like an hour"
"What, you afraid my makeup will take too long" I say sarcastically
Owen starts laughing while walking down the hallway
Then I hear Claire shout from down the other way "What's wrong with makeup?"
Me and Owen are now both laughing.
I get ready and meet Owen. I hop into my truck and follow him so I can eat breakfast along the way.
We get to the arena and I hear a loud creature stomping around.
"What the hell is that?" I ask Owen
"See for yourself"
I run up into the viewing area and see a large white creature that looks like a mix between an allosaurus and a Carnotarus.
"Oh you're here" says Hoskins "meet my new dinosaur, it called Indomius Rex"
"I've never heard of that dinosaur before" I say
"That's because I created it, it's a hybrid"
"A hybrid, of what?"
"A Trex and raptor are the main pieces" he says "you can create the ones I've created with the instructions I sent to your lab"
"I don't want these monsters" I say angrily
"Wait what?" Hoskins says shocked
"I own a park to house real dinosaurs, not this movie monster"
"It'll bring up sales"
"I don't care, I'm not putting these things in my park"
"You've at least got to try them out"
"I'll think about it, but I don't like the idea"
"Sure, you've got all the time you need" he then walks away and pulls out a phone. Before I lose sight of him I see the phone start dialing a number.
I come back to Owen on his bike.
"What do you think?" He asks
"About that movie monster? It's horrible"
"Thank god, I was afraid you'd love it"
"I'm going to try one out though, but only one that's relatively harmless"
"I don't like that"
"Neither do I, but I have to study one or two of them"
We get on our vehicles and drive off towards the lab.
As I get there I see a new team of scientists have taken over a laboratory.
"Who are you?"
One of them steps up and responds to me
"We're Hoskins Hybird team, we'll handle any hybrid business you have"
"Who gave you permission to take a lab?"
"Well then I guess we'll have a little chat later, I'm going to need Simon there since he hired him"
"Umm... well do you have anything you want us to take care of?"
"Yeah, do you have any small hybrids?"
"We have a carnoraptor"
"I can only take a wild guess what that is" I say sarcastically while opening up my phone, but one of the scientist stops me and says.
"We need Megas to hybridize the animals"
"The excess DNA and mutation makes them more pliable and easy to work with"
"That sounds like bull to me, but I've got a Mega Carno and I have a Mega Pyroraptor" I say while getting ready to dial again
"That'll work perfectly" the guy says
I phone for the transport.

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