11- Rexy's Return

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"She could've awoken at any other time, but it had to be right then and there didn't it?" Dodgson asked with a sigh.
"Do you think Valkyrie's lighting had anything to do with it?" Hoskins implored.
"Maybe... but I thought we tested electric shock on Athenian models before and nothing happened."
"Well Valkyrie doesn't produce the same levels of shock as a machine, she produces much more. Maybe we needed to use more."
There was an awkward pause in the conversation.
"You know you can't go back in there right?"
"Well I don't see why not."
"Outlier 03 already figured out the EMP ability. How long until she's able to knock out the island's power grid?"
"It would still probably take a while, she only got her powers from Valkyrie I think. Unless that Park Manager is willing to hurt his dinosaurs, which we know he won't, we may still have a while."
"I pray that you're correct Hoskins."


"I just can't even believe an animal like this can be engineered," Wu was beyond astounded with Outlier. "I mean how does one create an animal that can create an EMP blast?"
"I don't know, but..."
"She even absorbed nearby electricity to boost her power. You saw that electro storm in her mouth, she managed to beat an indestructible creature with it."
"Yes, but what about that Valkyrie creature?"
"What about it?"
"It seems like it also has lightning based abilities."
"Animals have been able to use electricity before in the animal kingdom, of course never like this though."
"What about the name? Valkyrie 77? Do batches usually have over 77 to them?"
"No, it seems to me that's not a batch number, that's a version number."
"Pteranodons aren't built to be tough animals, their normal body composition probably wasn't compatible with what Hoskins wanted. It took them 77 different attempts to build one that met their standards," he pauses and thinks before quickly saying, "Which means he could have an army of those beasts."
"What about Omega?"
"That's a batch name, definitely. Since they're using a batch name I cannot make any clear predictions on what dinosaur or creature it could be. What I can tell you is that it'll probably be just like Valkyrie and Outlier. She'll have dark purple coloring and have some sort of lightning based ability."
"Well... on to business."
"I need like 80 maxed Quetzalcoatlus."
Wu looks at me like he had just hallucinated the words he heard. His face was nothing but disbelief, "You... You're serious?"
"I can't just let Hoskins barge in and attack the park whenever he wants. I want to clone and train 80 Quetzalcoatlus for defensive purposes around the island."
"Do you have any idea the genetic material that will cost?"
"Yeah... I don't know where I would get that."
"Well just sign me whatever you have so I can start. You go and figure that out while I'm busy."
I agree and sign over my stock of genetic materials to Wu. I then leave the secret area and pull out my phone. I open the contacts and dial Claire.
I put my phone up to my ear and listen to it ring for a while. I know she always has her phone on her, she was probably trying to ignore the call. She knows better than to just ignore me though.
She picks up.
"Well isn't this a surprise. Is this the first time you've actually tried to called someone?"
"No, but I need you to do something for me."
"Thanks for the details."
"I need a metric ton of genetic materials and I don't know where to get it."
"How can I help?"
"You and Masarani know other genetic powerhouses, maybe they'd be willing to sell some to us. I was hoping you could contact them."
There was pause as, from what I could hear, she was writing something on a piece of paper.
"Yeah... I can do that. Meet me at the Cafe tomorrow, I'll have something for you then."
"You're... sure about that?"
"Alright then, thanks."
I hung up and did my daily duties around the park. I had someone to check up on though. I messaged Owen with our secret message.

Hey, want to go out and get some sandwiches?

The phrase was designed so anyone reading out messages wouldn't know where we were really going.


I wait at my hotel for Owen to arrive.
The sound of his motorcycle echos across the open valley as he drives up.
I hop on and he speeds off while doing a wheelie.
Without a single word between each other he takes the secret path to Rexy's paddock.
It hasn't changed design at all, the walls are still painted to look like normal old foliage and the trees in her cage still towered high up in the air. The cage was sunken into the ground.
"Feels nice to be back huh?" Owen asks after seeing my expression.
"Damn straight, I haven't seen her in forever."
We walk down the steps into the viewing area and I see Rexy sleeping inside her cave on one of the cameras.
"Let's give her something good."
I release an Edmontosaurus into her exhibit. She immediately perks up and watches. She slowly rises and approaches the edge of her cave. We are still barely see her due to the sunlight shinning through the tree branches.
Rexy charges forwards, mouth opened. The Edmontosaurus freaks out and tries to run, but there's no escape. Rexy closes in and the Edmonto lashes out, trying to stab Rexy with the claws on her front feet. Rexy quickly dodges, circles around, and bites down on the back of the tail. She then pulls with all her might and slams the Edmonto into a tree. The Edmonto falls and tries to get back up, but Rexy bites down on her neck. She then thrashes around violently, shaking the neck back and forth, and drops it's lifeless corpse to the ground.
She then quietly eats it while periodically looking back up at us.
"She's a real beauty"
"Yeah... hey... why haven't you evolved her yet?"
"Never felt the need."
"I think it's time we do something about that."

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