7- The Escape

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It's now been 3 months since I took over. The park has gained some major attention. I was walking with Claire who was telling me how my park was going.
"There are 8,000 people in the park today. Food reserves are just over 500,000 pounds, and we have 32 dinosaurs." She says reading off a list.
"Are the animals in good shape, none sick, none unhappy?" I ask while walking.
"I don't know, I don't ask the assets how they're feeling" Claire says in an emotionally void tone
"Did you just call my animals assets?"
"...yeah...what else would I call them"
"How about animal? These aren't just boxes on a shelf, they're living breathing creatures" I say shocked and disappointedly
"Okay, whatever. But I want to talk about your DNA spending..."
I look at my phone
Owen-Velociraptor escape, we're going on a Dino hunt
I smile and type back
Manager-I'm by the Alanqa cage, come pick me up
Owen-I'm about to drive by, she's going that direction
I hear a motorcycle and he comes racing out of the jungle in front of me.
"Come with if you want to live" Owen says mocking Arnold's voice.
Claire sighs and says while I hop on "Do you two ever take anything seriously?"
"What? Can't have fun?" I say while Owen passes me the gun he saved for me "You know they key to being happy is to have some carefree moments. I'm carefree pretty much all the time. You should try it Claire"
"It's a miracle you two and the park haven't died yet" she says while walking away.
"You have a vehicle right? There's a velociraptor on the loose." I shout
She freezes in her place and looks around. She then walks back terrified "I almost forgot"
"I'll call in a chopper for you" I say
We wait for the chopper and when we hear it's blades Claire looks over at Owen and sees the look on his face.
"Don't... say it" she says
"I can't help it" he says
"Don't you dare..."
"You two are so dead" she says before getting on the chopper.
The leaves slap against my face and we follow the raptor now heading for the main park area. The helicopter over head is following us.
"I still can't get a clear visual on her" the pilot says to us over my headset "Get her in the open"
"Roger that" the ACU respond.
An ATV to out right starts to herd the raptor in a different direction. I can imagine some epic music in my head to go along with the chase.
We hit the clearing and I remember where we are. Another exhibit with people around it about 5 miles away was coming up on us fast.
I pull out the tranq rifle on my back.
It's hard to keep steady on a moving motorcycle. The chopper takes a shot missing by just a couple of inches.
"You got a clear shot" Owen shouts
"Yeah I just need to get it right"
"Well hurry, we're closing in on the exhibit over there"
I do my best to steady the shot. I fire.
The raptor falls. Owen swerves around and stops the bike. The ACU all stop and the Small Dinosaur Transport Truck catches up.
We put her in the back and tie her down carefully, a vet inspects her.
"She'll be out for about half and hour. Don't take too long" she says to the men in the front.
"Alright" they say
Another ACU ranger jumps in the back of the truck with the vet and closes the doors as they drive off.
The familiar dark green chopper lands infront of us.
"Oh great, Hoskins" I says sarcastically
"What kind of smug thing do you think he's going to say after that raptor escape" Owen says while checking his bike.
Hoskins steps out and walks right over to me and Owen.
"Nice job, you let an animal escape" he says
"Yeah, we thought we'd just leave the door open and all the security guards at other exhibits" I remark
"Oh ha ha, you almost got some guests killed"
"But no one did"
He gets and angry look on his face "If you keep talking like that someone's going to replace you"
I get in his face "And what? You going to do it? Try it, I dare you. Try and take my job."
He grunts and gets back in the chopper and takes off towards his arena, but not before shouting "Fine, come down to the arena today and wager your job. I've got a surprise for you"
Then the chopper heads out and it gets quiet once again.
"You're not really going to wager your job on a match are you?" Owen asks
"What do you think I am, stupid? Of course not"
"Let's just go see what he has waiting for us"
He finished checking his bike and we head off towards the arena.

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