4- My first fight

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The truck wheels grind along the gravel as I stop it outside the arena. The chopper flys overhead, a roof door opens, and the trike cage is lowered inside. I walk up the steps into the viewing area. Hoskins is waiting for me.
"Great, you're finally here. This is where you test your might. If you beat me I'll give you a new dinosaur to clone for the price of admission" he says.
"Wait I have to pay to enter?" I say in an angry tone.
"Not this first one, but for the rest of them you're going to have to pay me some money. These dinosaurs ain't cheap you know"
I look at the arena laid before me, a large wall cuts it in half.
"Push that button there to release your dinosaur. If you have more than one just press the button of which cage it's in" he explains.
I press my button releasing the trike.
"You didn't evolve it?" he asks
"What do you mean?" I ask
"Oh, this'll be easy" he says getting a big smirk on his face.
A motorcycle can be heard from outside. Owen walks in.
"What're doing here Owen" Hoskins says with a hint of frustration
"Forgot that he doesn't even know how this works and you'd probably explain nothing just to win"
"That's very true," Hoskins says and then walks to the other side of the viewing area. "Let's see your non-evolved trike handle this." His voice booms over the intercom.
His dinosaur door opens releasing a Majungosaurus.
"You've got to be kidding me" Owen says
The wall separating the arena lowers and the 2 see each other. Majungosaurus charges and gets cut by the horn while trying to dodge the trike's horns. Majungo then runs around the side of the trike and bites it's front leg. It then circles around and jumps on its back. It keeps biting the trike until the trike falls and Hoskins calls it back.
"That went well" Hoskins says. "Why don't you go toughen up your trike"
The trike gets up slowly and staggers back into its cage.
After the trike is transported back a team of vets is healing her up.
Me and Owen just watch.
"What did he mean when he mentioned evolving my trike" I ask Owen
"You take 2 strong animals of the same species and gene sequence. Then you combine their DNA to create a tougher and more complete dinosaur."
"Do I get to keep the older ones?" I ask
"No, one is used as a base and the other I used to add the DNA. Someone takes the ones who've been used for DNA and... does something them, I'm just not sure who they are or where they take them. I really want to find out though. Anyway what do you think about evolving your trikes?" Owen asks
"Let's do it" I say
"If you want to"
"Hey, can we get a chopper to carry these 2 to the lab?" I ask the vets
"Yeah... what for?" they ask
"I want to evolve her."
"Alright" they proceed to call 2 choppers.
About and hour later I'm sitting in the lab with Wu waiting for the results to come back. Wu's busy at a computer.
"Alright it's done," he says.
"It worked, is she okay?"
"She's better than she was before. Here look for yourself" he motions towards his monitor.
I look to see my trike is colored differently
"It's not just gray anymore," I say
"Yeah, that's what happens when we level them up"
"Fly me to Hoskins arena, I've got business to attend to." I say while pulling out my phone
Manager-Owen meet me at the arena, the evolution worked
Owen-On my way
The helicopter drops the box in and then lands me on the helipad. Hoskins is waiting of course.
"Twice in one day, you're a glutton for punishment aren't you?" He says with a smirk
"I've got a surprise for you" I say getting a smirk.
Owen comes up the stairs
"You 2 going to chat all day or are we going to get this done?" Owen says jokingly
We head to our positions and Hoskins releases the same Majungosaurus from before. I release my newly evolved trike.
"So you evolved it... lets see what happens" he says over the intercom
Owen watches the fight nearby.
The wall lowers.
Majungosaurus charges again, but trike dashes froward and stabs the the Majungosaurus right in the stomach. It falls to the ground and stops moving.
"Well done," says Hoskins. He the walks over to my side and hands me a vial in a safety case, the vial reads Majungosaurus. I close it and say bye to Hoskins. I hop on Owen's motorcycle and we drive off to the science lab to create my new dinosaur.

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