5- Jurassic World: Aquatic Paradise

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"I'm very proud to announce our new expansion added on after the disaster that took place," I say to the interviewer.
I stand in front of the finished attraction. It took months to finish the construction, the underwater was easier than I expected to build thanks to what was left over from the old park.
"What will this new attraction be?" they ask me.
"It's called Jurassic World: Aquatic Paradise.
It's effectively doubling the size of the park and it will have over a hundred sea creatures from prehistory, from crowd favorites like Dunkleosteus and Mosasaurus to the more obscure but still amazing Geosaurus and Leedsichthys. There will be an above ground area where you can pet some small and friendly pterosaurs, see over top views of creature exhibits, and see some impressive displays from our trained Mosasaur. The secondary section will be complexly underwater with reinforced glass tunnels running everywhere for you to walk and an underwater monorail system to jump between exhibits. These tunnels lead you to areas the people up top cannot see such as the bottom of the reefs and the deep and dark depths of our underwater caves. Each section houses their own unique species."
"That sounds awesome. Now I have to ask before you open the place up, how's the safety standards in the new expansion?"
"We 'Sparred no expense' with customer safety. After the disasters from before we want to ensure that we remain open. You will have nothing to worry about when walking through our underwater buildings and tunnels."
"When will it open?"
"We're getting the approval of the Safety Officials as we speak. If everything goes according to plan we're opening in just a few days."
I finish up the interview and hear back to my room. I waited anxiously through the next few days to see if everything went well. I paced in my office waiting for the Safety Officials to give their response. After 2 more days he sent back the information saying I had cleared inspection.
I was relieved.
I walk out in front of a large crowd of people, standing behind me is the large stone and wood gate brandishing the Jurassic World logo on top.
"I am very pleased to announce that Jurassic World: Aquatic Paradise is officially open for business," I says before pressing the button to open the gate.
People cheer and clap then proceed to walk into the new park. The bridge over to the above water section crosses over the cage of the Leedsichthys, my first unrestricted aquatic cloning success.
I watch with delight and the staff who spent their past 7 months building this place are celebrating.
"I don't know why you couldn't just tell me about this," Emily shows up and is standing behind me.
"Why? Don't like surprises?"
"I guess I'm happy with this. I was worried you might do something stupid."
"What? Me? No."
She looks at me and shakes her head.
"How much did this cost?"
"I lost track."
"You're joking."
"Nope, I'm not the guy who filed the taxes and reports. If you want to be terrified by the number go find him."
"You're lying to me so I don't get pissed at you right now."
"Just show me what you morons did."
I took her on the above water monorail that was suspended. The monorail took off and we were alone on board it, I looked out the window towards the island. As I watched the old Visitor Center came into view.
"I'm thinking of turning that into a memorial ground," I say out of the blue.
"What do you mean?"
"The ruins. In memory to the original park and then I'll build a memorial shrine so those that died during Hoskins' plan."
She doesn't respond and just stares at the ruins with me.
We sit in silence until she speaks up in monotone and serious voice, "Do you trust me?"
"You wouldn't even inform me on this expansion to the park I partially own. It feels like you might not trust me, like you're worried about what Ian said."
"That was months ago."
"That's not answering the question."
I hesitate and think to myself, I didn't really know her. Could I REALLY trust her?
"I don't know," I say.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"I don't really know you. You manage the building projects and do a good job with it, but I don't know you as a person. How can I say I trust someone I don't know."
She falls silent again for a short while before resting her head on her hands, "I've thought about what Ian said a lot, about how I'll turn out." She stops and takes a breath, "Do you think that's true? Will I end up like my father? Evil? Corrupt? Soulless?"
"You said it yourself, you're not your dad."
"But do you actually believe that."
"Isn't the common saying 'Talent skips a generation'? Wouldn't your children be the evil corrupt ones?"
"I'm being serious."
"You decide your own destiny. You are who you make yourself to be. If you don't want to be like your father then don't, it's your choice."
She goes into deep thought while the train ride goes on. Eventually we reach the special platform where we get off.
"Come on, I'll show you around."

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