14- He Knew

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I got a call from Hoskins the next day about another battle arena he had ready for me. I suspected that this was going to be Rexy herself.
I pull up to the place and it's unusually quiet. I step inside... no one I here. I walk around them I see him. Owen laying against a computer on Hoskins' side of the arena. I run up.
I notice a dart in his neck. I get wide eyed and realize what happened. I quickly jump to the side.
A dart hits the wall.
I spin around to see Hoskins and 2 of his henchmen who are carrying tranquilizer rifles.
"Well that was unexpected" he says "I though you'd take longer to figure it out"
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Don't play stupid with me. I know you read over my files. I know you were in my base. I have cameras in there you know."
I'm in a stunned silence.
His henchmen take aim at me.
"What're you going to do?" Hoskins says with a smirk
I whistle
"What's that suppose to..."
Before he can finish a Mega Velociraptor drops down from a vent above and tackles a henchman. It tears him to pieces.
"Oh shit!" Hoskins stumbles and starts running. His other henchman takes aim at the raptor. She jumps as he pulls the trigger and pounces on him. Large metal doors then close us in the room.
I pull up my walkie and radio to the ACU
"This is a park wide security alert, Hoskins had attacked Owen and tried to do the same to me. He's making a run for it, stop him ASAP!"
"Roger that" they respond
I look around for a way out. The air duct!
I whistle for the raptor and have it boost me into the vent. She follows close behind. I get onto the roof just in time to see Hoskins flying away. I drop down and find Owen's motorcycle in the bushes hidden away. I jump on and ride towards the park.
It's absolute chaos, dinosaurs are everywhere.
The ACU send a message to me "We have a park wife security issue. Hoskins managed to open all the dinosaur pens! We can't get to him! We need to save the visitors!"
"Do it!!!" I say weaving in and out of the terrified crowds. Velociraptor is close behind me.
The ACU see me driving up and when I slow down they throw me a gun. I take off again towards the infirmary.
When I get there I take down the stegosaurs rampaging out front.
I run inside and find the doctor.
"A man is trapped inside the arena, he may need medical attention I'm going to round up a team and send you over to help him" I say in a hurry.
She follows me as I radio in for ACU to get a small team and a truck together. It arrives shortly shooting at one of the many pterosaurs in the sky.
We get her in and they drive off. The raptor was waiting on the roff while I was inside attacking pterandons.
I hop on the bike and whistle for her. We drive towards the raptor section of the park.
After about 45 minuets I managed to get a jeep so I can protect myself better. Along the way I picked up all the trained raptors I had and my troodon.
They're following me as I drive towards the male Trex's cage. I know what has to be done. I knew where Hoskins would go and he knows that as well. I pull out a flare from the back. We arrive at the male Rex's cage and I stop about 70 feet from the gate.
I pull out some duct tape and started wrapping the flare in it.
"Control I need you to open paddock 19" I say into my walkie
"What? He didn't open that one?"
"Apparently not, now do it!"
"Won't that make things worse? A LOT WORSE?!?!"
"I SAID DO IT!!!!"
The door begins to open, I light up the flare.
I can feel the stomping. I stick the flare to the roof of my car
"ROAR!!!" The Trex roars. My car drives off at just enough speed for the Trex to keep up. The raptors are running around me and jumping on the roof of the jeep. The ground shakes with the footsteps of the Rex behind me.
I drive down the paved road and take a sharp turn right into the tree line.
After a short while I hit the path and then I bust past the tree line. Armed henchmen line the helipad near the building and start firing immediately at me.
I whistle for the raptor pack to charge forward and attack. I can see Hoskins watching me, then his face changes as he feels the ground shaking and notices the flare on the roof of my jeep. He hurries into the chopper as I grab the flare off the roof of my car. The henchmen and getting destroyed by the raptors.
I slide the car to a hault as Rex busts through the tree line. I run out as the chopper blades start up. I throw the flare. It sticks to the tail of the chopper. I jump out of the way as Rex steps on my jeep and runs at the chopper.
He bites down on the tail as it begins to take off and shakes it around. He throws the chopper into the ground. It starts to fall apart as it grinds against the ground. A piece of metal flys at me and hits me I the face before I can react.

Lights out.
I awake to fire and metal. I sit up...
I see the raptors all dead lying on the ground covered in bucket holes. Then I see Rex dead as well rocket burn marks on his side. I realize that there are now 4 crashed choppers on the ground. Then I see him, Hoskins.
He has a cut in his cheek and is talking to his henchmen.
Fueled by rage I run up and punch him square in the cheek where his wound is. His blood covers my hand. I'm hit in the face by the butt if a gun.
Hoskins gets up rubbing his cheek "you're a real fighter, I'll give you that"
One of his henchmen steps on my chest and points a gun at me.
"You just had to ruin everything didn't you?" Hoskins asks rhetorically "You showed such promise... you just had to stick your nose where it didn't belong. Now look what's happened, all of this is because of you"
"No, this is all you. You're a goddamn monster" I say after spitting up blood "You've killed how many innocent people today? All because you wanted WAR MACHINES!!!"
After yelling I get kicked by one of the henchmen.
He replies "I want generals, I want people to train these animals to be a well organized army. Look what you did here today, you've proven to me that these things can be trained. You've shown me how effective they are, but you... you're using weaker creatures"
"Don't you dare disrespect my animals"
"They're weak, they should've been hybridized"
"I wouldn't sacrifice them just to make monsters"
"That's the problem, you think too much. You should've just conformed and killed off the weaklings"
From the adrenaline in me I manage to push the henchmen away and punch Hoskins again. I then get a taser in the back.
"I've had enough of you, I'm out of here" Hoskins says radioing for a chopper to pick him and his henchmen up. All
I can do is watch on the floor as they take off.
A few minuets later a car busts through the tree line and stops. Claire and Owen get out with the doctor from before.
"Oh my god" Claire says after seeing the carnage sitting before her.
"There he is" Owen yells. All three run over to me. The doctor starts to check everything while Owen talks to me.
"Where's Hoskins?! I'm going to kill that SOB!!"
"He... he left" I say weakly
"What's happening in the park?"
"ACU weren't able to handle the situation so they just started evacuating everyone. They're all out now... or at least all the survived are out"
"Good" I start to blank out.
"Don't you die on us" that's the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.

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