Chapter 10

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*Jaiden in MM *


Me and Jaiden both laughed as I helped him eat. His arm was still sore so I had to help him with basic stuff that he needed to use his arm for. So far he's been doing good. Jayla comes sometimes with Aaliyah to see him and I sometimes come by myself. I stayed one night because he wanted me to.

"Damn..that shit still hurt" he said taking a bite from his sub that I brought him when I got off work

"I bet. But it does take time"

"Yeah" he sighed "You really got off early to come help me?"

I nodded "Yeah. What happened was pretty devastating. Why wouldn't I help you"

"Nah I just thought...." he shook his head "Ion know. Just never had a girl do that for me before"

"You've been in the hospital before?"

"Mhm huh. Got shot in my leg before. Another time in my stomach. I don't know why I had so many chances cause I do some real foul shit. But I do thank god everyday cause not everyone fortunate enough to have another day to live"

"Really? You should because people die from being shot one time"

"You right" he bit his lip

"The only time I was in the hospital was to see my dad..." I looked down picturing my dad's warm smile that always made me feel safe

"Sit down and tell me about it. I know you want to get it off your chest"

I sighed. I don't think I've ever talked for five minutes about my dad's death. It took a deep toll on me and I never got to express it to anyone. After my mom was gone there was my dad and once he was gone it was just me. Half my family was far away and the other I don't talk to.

With some hesitation I just sat down in the chair beside his bed.

"Tell me" he said looking into my eyes

"My dad. Was everything to me. Anytime I had problems in high school he would always find a way to cheer me up. Even if I felt alone I knew I could go to him. Sometimes I just chose not to. And today I still regret holding things in. After my mom died my dad was acting different but I never questioned it because I thought well maybe it's just because my mom's death. He would....." my voice cracked but I paused a few seconds then started again "always tell me he loved me. And I didn't mind it but he would say it too often which he wouldn't usually do. He would do more things with me. You know ? Get me anything I wanted. Even let me do most of the things I wanted to do"

I paused again. Noticing he had his full attention on me. Like no other guy would ever do. Any time I talked to a boy or something he would just stare down. But Jaiden's beautiful eyes were on mines. And I could tell he was concerned as to what happened.

"This went on for a year. But one day I came home for school. And I swear I remember this shit like it was yesterday. He was usually home in his room sleep or watching tv. And I went up to his room..." tears filled my eyes "He was leaned over with blood coming from his head. A gun was kinda or a little out his hand and there was a note on his back"

I was in full blown tears by now.

"And I remember it from word to word cause that day and on after I couldn't stop reading it. Its said. Baby girl you know I love you from the moon and back but I just been depressed ever since your mom died. And I know I always told you to never give up well I gave up. I'm so so sorry my baby. It hurts me to do this but I can't take it anymore. Love you to pieces daddy's princess"

"Come here" he said watching me cry

I shook my head and put my head in my hands

"Kenya come here please. I wanna hold you"

I uncovered my face and went over to the bed. He moved over making room for my body and I sat in the space for me. He wrapped his arms around me best he could as I cried into his chest. All the pain I've been holding in just released. My dad was someone I never felt comfortable talking about but Jaiden was someone I could open up to.

"Its going to be alright. We have our rough times in life but we definitely will get through them"

I nodded and continued crying on him. I felt him rubbing on my back.





"Umm daddy?"

My eyes opened and I saw Aaliyah coming in with Jayla behind her. I looked over to see Jaiden was sleeping.

"Umm .... ok.." Jayla said watching me get off the hospital bed

"No Jayla. It's not what you think" I told her as I grabbed my things

"Hopefully it isn't" she started laughing "Aaliyah come on..I didn't know he was going to be sleeping"

"I wanna stay with Daddy" she whined

"We will come back tomorrow but let him rest"

"Aww fine" she said sadly

I walked out along with the two. I said bye to her and we parted our separate ways. The whole drive home I thought about how I expressed what happened. I'm happy I finally talked about it. Maybe it could give me some closure for once....

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