Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

          As I pulled up to the roller rink, Darren laughed. "Really?" he asked. "Rollerskating?" I nodded, smiling big. I climbed out of the car and said, "You're paying." Darren's eyes bulged and he said, "You just got twenty bucks!" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he sighed. "Fine," he said. I squealed and pulled him into the building.

        After Darren bought out rollerskates, we went on the rink. There was about five other people here, but that didn't stop me. I slipped my rollerskates on and skated out. I went fast, then slow, then backwards. Darren caught up to me and said, "You're pretty good at this." I rolled my eyes. "Pretty good?" I said. "I'm amazing!" I took his hands and spun him around. I was laughing and he joined me.

      "You seem happy!" he shouted over the music. I smiled brightly. "I am!" I said. Then the song changed to one I knew by heart. 'Animal' by Neon Trees. "I love this song!" I screamed. I pulled Darren next to me and we sped off, passing everyone. He spun me around and I giggled. He pulled me to his chest so my back was to him. I felt his heartbeat, fast and hard.

     He flipped me around quickly and smiled. My heart stopped for a second, then picked up faster. I gave him a lopsided grin. Then I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around. I sped off taunting him. He was almost near me when I stopped suddenly. he sped by me and I started to skate backwards. "Liz!" he screeched as he ran into the wall. I burst out laughing until I noticed he was bleeding.

    I skated over to him and held my hand out. There was a cut on his face. He grabbed my hand, but instead of taking my help, he pulled me down on top of him. I was aware of him pressing on my body, but I didn't move. I down at him and he smirked. "Who's laughing now?" he said. I stared at his face and, as I watched, his cut closed up by itself. It didn't even look like it was there in the first place.

   I scrambled away from him as fast as I could. "Liz?" he asked. "What's the matter?" I grabbed the wall and pulled myself up. Darren was already up and he grabbed my elbow. "Get away from me!" I screeched hysterically. "Liz what's the matter with you?" he asked. I ripped my arm from his grip, his nails scratching deep into my skin. "Ouch!" I said. But I couldn't be near him. That was too freaky. I turned around, my arm dripping with blood, and sped away from him.

    No matter how fast I went Darren caught up with me. He grabbed me from behind and pulled my rollerskates off. He already had his shoes on. Then he grabbed my shoes and hoisted me over his shoulder, ignoring my protests. "Darren!" I screamed, once we were out of the roller rink. I pounded on his back, but he didn't even flinch. He plopped me in the car and locked the door. He slid in th driver's side and I cringed away from him.

    "Liz, what's wrong?" he asked gently. i winced at his voice. "Liz," he said, caressing my arm. "You're a freak!" I said. "Get away from me!" He looked hurt. I didn't care at the moment. "Why?" he asked. "Your cut," I said. "on your face. Just healed in like a second and now I cant see it at all." He stared at me, then looked out the window. "I knew this day would come too soon," he mumbled. Then louder, "I'll explain later, I have to go somewhere first." I nodded, still wary.

    He drove for about ten minutes until we were at a clearing. I looked at him, puzzled. "Why are we here?" I asked. He sighed. "You'll see," he said. He climbed out of the car, as did I. He went around the car and pulled on my arm until we were exactly at the middle of the clearing. "Now, Liz, don't freak out," he started. I stared at him, suddenly afraid of what he was going to tell me.

    "You might not believe me on this, but I'm an angel, and so are you," he said. I looked at him for a couple seconds before bursting out laughing. "Nice joke, Darren," I said. He sighed and rolled his shoulders. "I didn't want it to come to this, but if I have to.." he said. He pulled his shirt over his head and it was all I could do not to drool. Then he closed his eyes for a moment and wings popped out from his back. He flapped his wings once and his feet left the ground. That's when I saw black.

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