chapter 1; I promise

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-
part 1, chapter 1; I promise

Dipper and Stanley stood in front of Bill, within his throne room. The other pines and friends were all fighting teeth, 8 ball and all the other punks following bills order.

"I have had enough of you, Bill! you have wronged this town and I wont tolerate your b*llsh*t anymore!" Dipper shouted.

"oh, and how are you planning on killing me?"

"with this, ya punk!" Stanley shouted, opening his hand to reveal the magical dice that Stanford had retrieved.

"and if it fails?" Bill shuffled in his seat, his triangular body enlarging in excitement.

"then we will surrender" Dipper sighed, knowing the chances of failure was high.

"deal" Bill chuckled, body igniting as Stanley threw the dice up in the air.

Dipper's hand tightened around the sword Stanford had gifted him before they had gone to war.

the dice clanked on the floor and finally stopped, its side's symbols changing for one more time before it stopped.

a human silhouette appeared on the side and the demon shrieked.

Dipper ran forward without a second thought.

Bills body flashed white before revealing bill in a human form.

metal met metal, the sword piercing bill and his throne.

Bill's last words came out as a whisper so that only Dipper could hear.

"well played...

...Alcor Cipher"


Dipper's jaw clenched as an unimaginable pain spread through his body, he fell off of Bill and landed at his feet.

"DIPPER" Mabel screamed, running to her brother as the creatures fled back to their own dimension.

Dipper gasped, being prodded up on Mabel's knee, eyes glazed over in pain.

"stay with me dipper, you're going to be okay!" Mabel whined, stroking down Dippers hair in a parting to show his birthmark.

everyone gathered in shock as Dipper glowed a fiery red.

"you promise?" Dipper wheezed, hands clutching mabel jumper.

"I promise" Mabel whimpered, knowing the lie before it made its way out her lips. she kissed his glowing forehead before the light became too much.

everyone looked away, looking back to see dipper missing.

mabel trembled, staring at her hands, where here brother once leaned.

her hands were covered in red and blue ash, presumably what was left of dipper.

"I-I P-P-Pprom-promise"

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now