note - off track

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You stood, arms held stiff at your sides as you pursued the story you had read 19 chapters of.

"I want more" you demanded, adamant to gain another chapter to the entrancing story you had found yourself tangled in, "what have you been doing to delay this long?"

"I-I'm sorry" my voice quivered, hands dug into my sides as I hugged myself in panic, eyes wandering from your impatient face, tears bordering my tanned cheeks, "I-I promised I would update and I haven't- I have failed you" Tears more prominent, even my beanie sagging in self-disappointment.

"Look..." I continued, green tinted eyes searching the page for any excuse before releasing an exasperated sigh, fingers raking through my hair as I dared a tired place, "I'm not going to be one of those authors who make up a reason- or blame study or family issues. I have no stress within my education and as far as I'm going, my mental heath is progressing positively...however-"

"however?" you impatiently cut in, harsh gaze cutting through me like an impatient child denied candy, "however what?"

"However- I will be honest. I've been slowly going off track from my original story plan, plus some story ideas came up and my schedule has become more than erratic since I started this book. all said, I've started a new project to help my emotional state. I'd love for you to check it out, though I doubt you will. its called 'ocean of constellations' inspired by Steven universe..." I paused, noting your impatient glare, "I do have another gravity falls story I've started of corse! its about a vampire au where dipper is turned into a vampire and stuff... its pretty cool and so far I've only had positive feedback... but i doubt you're interested..."

"and will this story continue?" your glare softened slightly, seeing the panic imbedded in my state at the mention.

"yeah- about that..." I started, scratching at the nape of my neck nervously"- its discontinued. if you have any questions about where this series was meant to be going, I still have my story plan I can use to answer your questions- however I don't think I'll be writing a chapter to this any time soon. sorry"

I looked up to see you less angry than you were before, a sad look in your eye, "whats wrong?"

"you could have told me sooner" you sighed, giving me a hesitant hug, "Thanks for the story so far, anyway"

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now