chapter 7; he isn't dead mabel

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 1, chapter 7; he isn't dead, mabel


Mabel was at the edge of the clearing when she started sprinting forward. she couldn't leave another brother to die. she could make another promise to brake. she just couldn't.

fresh tears dripped from her bloodshot eyes, her legs burned from the sudden take off, her world going into what appeared to her as slow motion as she the headache continued in tune with her heartache.

words could not describe the pain she felt as she ran from a to b, dippers bloody, ash-covered hat firm on her head, the necklace bouncing up and down at her chest, her breath quick, short and strained. her shooting star jumper loosely hung on her from and her skirt hugged her waist, her flat shoes digging into her skin ever so slightly as her feet dug into the hard ground.

she jumped at ford, the only thing she could hear was her heartbeat and the muffled shouts and screams from others as adrenaline took control of her actions.

her only thoughts were of the promise she made.

she promised for everything to be alright. for no one to die and for no one to be heart, especially her family.

with that thought she stood in front of alcor, arms spread out.

"I'm not loosing another brother to your damn theories. my brother died because you wrote a stupid book that influenced my brother to infatuate a demon to start an apocalypse. I'm not letting you kill alcor and to destroy the last hopes i have of having a brother." Mabel growled, a new tone found in her fear and anger.

"that? your brother? he's nearly a being using your weakness to his advantage. he'll start the end of the world and you know it!" Ford shouted, waving his gun in the air like nothing was abnormal of the execution.

"does someone who want world destruction give a morning girl a reason to smile again? does someone who wants the human race at its knees gift a girl with the last remaining evidence of her dead brother? does a guy who wishes to kill and murder innocent people and their children promise not to hurt anyone and even when he's this close to death, still lie on the floor, powerless because he keeps his promises? does he? stop being blinded by your trust issues and open your heart a little. not everyone's like you and not everyone's going to be like bill, just face the fact that you CAN trust people. look into my eyes and tell me I'm wrong. when your brother risks everything for you he got no thank you. when i put my effort into bringing the family back together i got no praise, hell when dipper tried so hard to get your appreciation it took you till our home was literally falling a part to finally knowledge his existence! NOT EVERYONE IS AGAINST YOU." Mabel's voice seemed to echo in ford head.

"you're wrong" Ford said plainly.

"excuse me?" Mabel spat.

"I said you're wrong. Ley but the universe in harms way to sae me, you put your nose into others people's business for your own curiosity and the boy looked into things he shouldn't have, so i did my best to discourage him. demons are demons for a reason. they are wicked beings that live off of chaos, a plain, simple, happy life isn't enough for a chaotic demon like him. he creates drama and that leads to heartbreak and disaster. the more chaos they get the more powerful they get. all he will do is corrupt the people around him wether he intends to or not. i don't care if he keeps his promises or tells us the truth about dipper's death. he has to go." Ford shouted back, his voice wavering slightly. sure, he had trust issues, but when mabel said is out plainly like that he really sound like a bad guy.

"mabel..." a hand was placed on mabel's shoulder, "it's okay. his insecurities will be his downfall. if he killed me all he will become caught up in the chaos i was thrown into. the chaos he so completely despises will swallow him whole and no one can stop him-" Alcor was cut off by the sound of a click, the gun positioned at his temple as he stopped talking mid sentence.

"FORD-" mabel shouted.

"shut it mabel, you heard the demon. he want to die. any last words or wishes, cipher?" Ford taunted.

"actually, yes. you asked before who killed dipper... he isn't dead, mabel"

"pardon me?" ford challenged, his grip on the gun loosening.

"what? where is he?!" Mabel asked, happily.

"I'm dipper, mabel" Alcor smiled, a tear of joy slipping past his emotional barrier.

mabel gasped, hugging her bloodied up brother.

"you promise?" mabel questioned, hanging onto her brother for deal life, their heart beats syncing and their thoughts racing.

the demon chuckled, letting go and giving a hand through his hair in relief.

"I promise"
A/N: this is the end of part one. I'll start working on part 2 and will probably release the first chapter in a week or so. Remember, the more support I get the more likely I am to update sooner!!

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now