chapter 7; little faith

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 7; little faith

(A/N: sorry, it took so long to update, had a few writers block for the story line after loosing the plan.)


The cultists screamed in agony, their bodies set alight with golden flames, a single demon floated in the middle of the room, eyes a wicked red.

all of a sudden, everything stopped, the room returning to it's normal dim glow. the cult members fell to the floor in agony, rashes and burns littering their half revealed bodies, remnants of golden cloaks and ashes of those who were less fortunate littered the blood stained floor.

In the middle of the room was a dark figure, his limbs hung to his newly weak frame. he fell to the floor, staring up at the ceiling as golden tears escaped his black and golden eyes, what looked like smoke dripping from his mouth and circling his being.

"bro-bro?" a girl wearing a pink jumper questioned, her emerald green eyes staring at him in a mixture of confusion, fear and sadness. His head rolled sideways, lazily gazing at them through his dirty blond hair, a monotone glare shot her way.

"what?" he asked, his voice holding no pitch or tone any human could muster, an echo sounding off his voice and his lips early moving to fit the syllables.

"are-... are you okay?" Mabel questioned, shacking in fear of his answer.

"who wants to know" The demon challenged, his head rolling back to observe the countless dead bodies in front of him, a smirk forming at his lips.

"I DO YOU JERK!" Mabel screamed, limping over to him to slap his across the face, the older's head snapping to the opposite direction.

the demon stared at the wall, unmoving and shocked, his hand moving up to his cheek to feel the newly forming bruise. for a second mabel was hopeful that he had snapped out of whatever trance he was in... that was until a look of rage took over the demons features.

"how dare you touch me you little brat" He shouted, his golden eyes becoming tinted with a red hue.

"but bro-bro-" Mabel whined.

"shut up!" The demon growled, "stop calling me that horrible nick name"

Mabel ran forward, trying what she could to help her brother in her emotionally shattered state and lunged to hug him only to fall through him and to the floor. She spun around, tears leaking at her eyes to where her legs fazed through his as she sat, the demon turning around slowly to catch Mabel's confused and fearful gaze.

"what the?" she breathed, raising her hand to her face before lifting it to phase through his thigh.

"goodbye and good riddance" the demon spat before teleporting away, leaving mabel and a passed out ex-demon in a cult layer with the ever present stench of blood and sulphur.


Hunched in the corner of a vast mindscape sat a small, shaking figure. One hand gripped his face in attempt to rebel against the need to sob and his other gripping his shirt's collar, his elbows digging into his stomach and his knees supporting his forehead as he whaled, his white-gloved hands soaked by a golden substance that stained his very finger tips.

"I don't understand what happened. why did he freak out like that?" a voice echoed in the small room.

"I know, right? you'd think he couldn't get weirder, am I right?" a young male voice echoed with it, followed by a chorus of laughter from the two children.

"yeah, he can do that sometimes. guess its just part of being a demon that means he has his random outbursts. you just gotta have a little faith in him, he always pulls through." the female vice chuckled, the girl bending over and helping the boy up, before the boy brushed himself down, taking her hand again and walking out the room.

"I hope you're right" he sighed.

The demon looked up, his sodden eyes peering up at the hologram of thought only to dismiss it, evidently returning the room to an eery silence that suited the dark room perfectly.

"I don't think I can sort myself out this time shooting star... I'm in too deep" he sighed, before hiccupping and returning to the cycle of sobbing and heaving.

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now