chapter 3; Bill P. Cipher

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 3; Bill P. Cipher

(A/N: this is probably the biggest cliff hanger I've done (as in emotional cliff hanger) but either way. comment if you disagree and please comment if you like the story so far!)


"What's the deal, sir?" the 10 year-old asked, looking up at him in fright and wonder.

"I'll show you a way home if you can be... a 'friend'" the word felt foreign in Alcor's mouth, especially to this specific audience, " I'll even help ya salvage whats left of those memories of yours"

"thats a deal! cant imagine being friends is really a down side" William smiled from ear to ear, innocent youth radiating from the sparkle in his eye.

"Lets take a look at that head of yours" Alcor spoke, lifting his hand before clicking his demonic form's gloved hand, the voice somehow echoing before everything went black.


The nothingness that flooded their senses soon vanished, being replaced by what looked like a mirror maze. in some mirrors were memories when you stood in front of them, while others look smashes and bent, as if those memories were altered or destroyed.

Alcor grabbed a confused and frightened Bill, dragging him to the newer section at the attraction to where all the mirrors were smashed. he found the most recent memory to be of Bill and a younger blue twin running into a forest. that was where it ended, the two laughing and skipping into the woods.

he went to the exit with a sad looking face, suddenly stopping when he almost tripped on a hand mirror.

"excuse me, sir, what's this?" Bill asked, picking up the small mirror.

Alcor quickly snitched it out from his hands, looking into it to see an adult human Bill. he looked the same as he did when he died, too.

"Bill P. Cipher" a voice called out from inside the mirror, the mirror quickly showing him in an office opposite a dark figure.

"yes, sir?" he asked, strangely out of character for the cocky triangle he was.

"you rein will end by the hands of alcor cipher" The creature spoke, in an echoing and dark voice.

"w-what? b-but the wei- apocalypse is going so well- how could it fail- was it sixer... or pine tree... or what about star? why?" Bill whined, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"someone has found a way to infiltrate us, though because of your high rule you shall be both reincarnated in soul and power. that being said and done, goodbye Cipher" The anonymous figure said, picking up his files and collecting them, exiting the room along with the dark aura that protected his identity.

Bill sat on his chair, shock and sadness flooding his expressions before he heard the satisfying click of the office door closing.

Bill's face suddenly changed back to anger, looking at his hands that slowly formed fists.

"DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL" Bill screamed, standing up and pushing everything off the desk, throwing the chair and smashing the bookcases and ripping files and books. anything he could get his hands on.

Alcor looked up from the mirror, seeing the kid standing in front of him, hands over his ears and tears running down his shocked face.

"who's Bill P. Cipher? why is that here? where are we?" William asked, Alcor taking the time to raise he had ignored Williams previous pleas to answers.

"we're in your minds cape and... er... this doesn't belong here." Alcor nervously smiled, putting the mirror in his hoody pocket.

"who's Bill?" The kid asked.

Alcor once again pondered telling the truth, deciding to go with half of it.

"he was a demon who used to torment me. he wou- was. a bad guy. Eventually I killed him, though it took a toll on me." Alcor sighed, "you know, kid, you never told me your full name" Alcor smirked, expecting some kind of weird name he could make fun of in the future if he ever revived the kid's memories.

"the names William Pines"

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now