chapter 2; I have a... proposition for you.

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 2; I have a... proposition for you.

(A/N: got bored and wrote this. you're welcome)


Mabel Skipped down from the doorway, an annoyed looking demon following behind hurriedly skimming through the photocopies of the journal he was given.

"So, according to sixer's notes, there should be a pixie palace about half a mile south east from here" He informed, mabel looking at him like he was speaking another language.

"that direction" he sighed, pointing to the left.

she nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

"we're off to see some pixies, the wonderful pixies of oz. because, because, because, because, because!" she sang, pointing at dipper to finish the line.

"pixies are annoying as f*ck" he sang.

"oi! language! anyway... THE WONDERFUL THINGS THEY DOES" Mabel intervened.

"that isn't even grammatically correct."

"it doesn't matter, party pooper" Mabel booped the demon's nose, giggling as she went.

she was a good meter or so ahead when alcor suddenly stopped.

"uhh... shooting star, could you help me a second?" he asked.

"what's wrong?" she asked, spinning around to see him standing on a glowing sigil.

"what on earth is that-?" she was questioning when all of a sudden small fairies and pixies appeared surrounding the two, holding small weapons, staffs or glowing orbs.

"what is your business here, demon?" a taller pixie asked. the pixie had long silver hair and a dress made of white rose petals. she had a small blue crown and a younger blue boy pixie stood by her side.

"ah, hello Lyra. long time no see. I'm just here with my lil' sis. she wanted to say hi. I swear no harm to you and your son this time. I'm just passing by" Alcor explained, suddenly a bit cocky, "unless you want a rematch that is"

"silence. how do we know you're not lying?" She challenged, eyebrow raised.

"excuse me, Lyra? at the moment he's... bound to me. he cant do anything unless I permit it, which I wont! I mean, you're so pretty!" Mabel giggled.

"if that is true, I shall allow your presence. nice to know Cipher finally has someone to keep him in check. I swear he's like a wild animal" Lyra groaned, finding her nails more interesting than the demon in front of her.

"I'M RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW!" the demon shouted.

"do I care?" she questioned.

she stomped her silver and blue staff onto the ground, depleting the devil's trap Alcor was stuck in.

"if you're not gone in 10 minutes I'm chucking you out. goodbye" she disappeared with her 'army'.

"like I said, annoying!" Alcor groaned, crossing his arms.

"I see what you mean... well lets go home!" mabel smirked at her fuming brother.

"but we just got here! what about i teleport us back home? i cant be bothered to walk! physical forms are so overrated and so is walking!" Alcor complained.

"fine. don't forget you were born as a physical form, a twin of my physical form as well!" Mabel giggled.

"no. you have no physical form. you ARE a physical form. I've developed to be a creature of the 4th detention, therefor existing in this plane of reality is stressful and annoying. it's uncomfortable and... itchy." Alcor sighed, and thus the two went home.


Mabel went to bed after dinner, leaving Alcor all ears for unexpected summonings and problems in the dreamscape.

suddenly he felt a pull at his being, taking no time to impatiently teleport to wherever the hell the summoning was.

he appeared in the middle of what he could observe as a forest.

"who summons me?" Alcor questioned out, looking down to see a boy wearing a yellow jumper and a dirty blond mop of hair.

the boy had an undercut and a small little top hat on a girl's hairband stood out in his bright hair. under his oversized jumper was a white shirt and a black bow tied. he had on black trousers with black boots, black gloves and his jumper sleeves were pushed up to his elbows with the cufs of his shirt lining them.

"oh, this is interesting" Alcor grinned down at the 10 year-old boy.

"A-Alcor... am I correct?" the boy asked, one eye peering up at him, the other covered in an eyepatch made of makeshift medical cloth and white tape.

"you who are you, dorito" Alcor grinned, noticing the small black, triangular earnings at the boys lobes and the brick patterns of the boy's jumper. he was all-too recognisable.

"m-my name is W-William. I-I woke up here in the woods... I don't know my way home... but all I could remember were bits and pieces and... you" 'William' said uneasily, fiddling with the cuffs of his top uneasily as the demon looked him over, deciding wether to lie or not.

"I am Alcor Cipher. I have a..." the demon swung around a cane that randomly appeared in a 'how do I say this' kind of gesture, "proposition for you!"

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now