chapter 4; In the name of cipher

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 4; In the name of cipher


"William... er... Pines. really, kid?" Alcor looked at the kid sceptically, laughing half-heartedly.

"yeah. is there something wrong with my name?" William asked, growling slightly.

"no, no. nothing wrong with it..." Alcor sighed, suddenly brightening up by an idea, "say, as a friend would you be okay if i possessed you for a while, my powers are running thin from all this shapeshifting biz. thanks!"

The two awoke, Alcor possessing Williams body while William himself floated around in confusion.

"is this normal?" the 10 year-old asked, looking his translucent body over before deciding he wasn't in the physical world.

"yeah, I'm possessing you so your soul is pushed out of your body... unless I bonded our souls. then we could share-" Alcor was cut of.

"PFFFTT! YOU HAVE A SOUL?" Bill hollered, followed by horrific laughter. his voice echoing in the dreamscape.

"sort of... its a dwindling subject as we speak. everyday what little part of me is still human is decreasing and I fear that when its completely gone I'll become like my brothers." Alcor sighed, trotting into the darkness of the forest with William following, mind wandering to Tad and Bill.


'Alciam', as we'll call him, entered the mystery shack, hands in pockets.

"hey shooting star" he murmured, walking over to the kitchen to find something to eat for William hadn't eaten in days and he felt like he would throw up in his vessel if the imploding feeling in his stomach continued.

"hey dip- what the hell- who are you?" Mabel dropped down her knitting magazine and stared at the boy in wonder, a blush dusting her cheeks.

"you like what you see?" Alcor taunted, swaying his hips slightly, chuckling, "Just picked up some new clothing today"

"you're possessing someone?!?!" Mabel shouted, standing up from her seat abruptly and rolling up her magazine as a weapon to punish the naughty demon of a brother.

"don't worry, shooting star. its all harmless. William has agreed to me possessing him. he was an amnesiac and needed some guidance. I'm doing a good deed for the small price of being roommates in this vessel" Alcor grumbled, downing a bottle of milk and taking out some refrigerated stan-cakes. having not ate them in 3 years and having no ability to really taste anymore he downed them without a thought.

"get out of the poor kid's body, now!" Mabel exclaimed, waving around her newspaper, "or so help me I will fill a spray bottle with holy water and train you like a house pet."

"try me, star. a deal's a deal. if I leave the body I have to wreck the kid's dreamscape and leave him stranded in the woods. thats how deals work... not that I expect you to understand" Alcor looked angered and sad for a moment, returning to a smile when he noticed a toaster.

"Wonder what that feels like!" he grinned, turning it on as mabel observed his actions, confused.

Alcor lifts the fork he had used to eat the pancaked, shoving the fork in-

"DIPPER, DON'T!" Mabel shouted, too late as Alcor stood there frying with the inability to move as his body went stiffened.

Mabel couldn't bring herself to touch the electrified kid as the toaster finally stopped.

Alcor fell to the floor, twitching and giggling. his vessel's once blonde hair was now low lighted with a black crisp and his skin was burnt along the arm he used to hold the fork.

lying on the floor, looking at the feeling, laughing, in a daze, you could now clearly see his demon's eye. his eye was a inky black, a single gold slit with undefined edges, as if someone took a golden marker and scribbled in a tall diamond shape.

"what happened? I heard shouting" Stanley entered, pushing the glasses further up his nose then stopping to see the blond 10 year-old lying on the floor injured.

"what happened here? who is that?" Stan asked.

before Alcor could answer, Mabel quickly thought of an excuse.

"uh... this is my boyfriend. I told how awesome your pancakes were and he tried some. I bumped into him and his fork ended up in the toaster and when he reached for it he was electrocuted. no biggie" Mabel made a 'am-I-right' face, resulting in a curious and concerned look from Stan.

"whatever you kids are into. remember, kid, you break her heart and I'll break every bone in your body" Stan smiled at him, leaving with a chuckle.

"but its not my body" Alcor replies, still lying on the floor.

"come on, lets go get... William... patched up for ya" Mabel brought Alciam upstairs and patched him up as promised, mabel and alcor going to sleep seeing as he possessed a human body that needed to function.

they were too tired to notice, but a crack sounded out the room, a man in a long concealing robe stepping through the broken window of the upper floor and creeping over to the sleeping boy's bed, picking him up and leaving.

"In the name of cipher"

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now